Islam is the most practiced religion in the world. Muslims are present in almost every region of the world. It is the psychology of every Muslims to get to know about their religion, its aspects. It is the Interest of the People to get to know about the Hell and Heavens and torture of hell for those who reject the faith or the people who commit sin and never bow down Allah.

As it is the interesting question about the torture for those who rejected the faith. I did a bit research on it and came to know about many of the torture which a person who rejected the faith will suffer. Allah in the Quran said as follow,

“Fear the fire which is in the heaven whose fuel is men and stone, and it is for those who rejected the faith.”
In another place of the Holy Quran Allah says about those who reject the faith as follows,

“Hell has enough burring fire. Those who reject our signs we shall cast them into the fire of Hell.”

As we can see that the person who will reject the faith and commit Shirk will be thrown into the fire of Hell. And about the fore of Hell, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) says as follows,

“The fire of Hell is more than hundred time intense from the fire of earth.”

To avoid torture in Hell just perform Umrah and Hajj with 2018 Ramadan Umrah Package UK. In another place of the Holy Quran Allah says as follow,

“As to those who reject the faith I will punish them in the world, and also in the hereafter, and there will be nobody to help them out.”

In another place in the Holy Quran as follow,

“They (those who rejected the faith) will be given to drink the boiling water, so that is cut up their bowels.”
Allah in the Surah Al-Maeda says about those who reject the faith as follow,

“Those who reject Faith and deny our verse will be thrown into the Fire in the Hereafter.”

In another place in the Holy Quran Allah says to follow,

“Those who reject our verses and signs and treat prophet with arrogance, for them the gates of heavens will not be opened, and they will never enter in heavens until the camel can pass through the needle such is our reward for those sins.”

These are the torture for those who rejected the faith. We also commit many of the sins in our daily day life they also have many tortures so we must ask Allah to forgive us and bless us with forgiveness. There is no such a place to ask for forgiveness other than the house of Allah so we must go for Hajj and Umrah and enjoy the blessing of that Holy Place.

Author's Bio: 

Muhammad Muzammil this person is famed for the Website Content Writing. He is an experienced and professional writer with creative skills. His content is user-friendly and easy to read. Must read his articles and blogs such as Umrah Package in Ramadan with Direct Flights.