As important as training with weights is when you're wanting to learn how to gain weight the healthy way, combining that with an appropriate eating plan is just as important. What this often involves is eating more foods than you are presently.

This is not to say that it would be wise to start pigging out on sweets and pastries or head on over to mcdonalds and order a few big macs.

Foods must be consumed in larger quantities to make this work.
Although there lies a lot of sugar in sweets, candy and desserts, these calories found in such foods are difficult to burn off.

A couple of suitable foods that would really be good for the body are salmon and tuna which are free of any trans fats that often are doing more harm than good.

How to gain weight the healthy way starts by having a good dose of lean meats, fish and poultry.
Plus, the carbs present amongst fresh veggies and fruit will become muscle more so than fat from workouts.

Whole grain foods that contain fiber will support the muscles while working out, as well as aid in the digestion process.
What the body will require is more calories to be taken in into it by way of more meals.

Having a set 6 meals daily is essential for how to gain weight the healthy way.
This will ensure that the body's metabolism keeps working away evenly during the day and also that the right number of calories are taken in each day.

This works to alter those calories gained from foods being eaten into muscle.
The foods that are eaten need to be ones that get absorbed and become fuel for the body so that it doesn't get burned off quickly as would waste products.

Having sound eating practices that coincide with weight training is the true basis for how to gain weight the healthy way.
Muscles will gradually grow when there is significant weight put on them. The mass you'll likely gain will be muscle as it's heavier than fat.

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy Thomas is a fitness enthusiast who likes to ensure that the body and mind remain in perfect harmony, through partaking in meditation, and regular weekly workouts. For the complete article on healthy ways to gain weight you may want to go to: