When we’re experiencing loss, or certain struggles in life, sadness is one of the emotions that tends to prevail during those periods. However, when you start feeling worthless, hopeless or selfless at the same time, it means that you’re no longer sad, but depressed. According to the statistics, approximately 120 million people are currently suffering from some form of depression. It’s essential that you become familiar with the difference between sadness and depression, and recognize the symptoms in order to be able to treat it on time.

Sadness vs. Depression

Sadness is a normal reaction to difficult situations in life. Whenever we are faced with a disappointing, challenging, hurtful or difficult event in life, sadness is one of the most common feelings that resurfaces at that moment. After some time, sadness tends to fade away and we’re able to move on with our lives. However, when sadness starts to affect our usual behaviour, clouds our judgement, prevents us from thinking rationally, and influences our behaviour in the way that we’re unwilling to do anything we’d usually do, it means that we’re depressed.

Depression influences every aspect of a life. A person who is depressed loses interest in everything, nothing seems important to them, and they’re not motivated for anything. It drains all of the energy out of a person, and prevents them from experiencing emotions such as excitement, joy, happiness, pleasure. People who’re suffering from depression also tend to have lower thresholds, they become angry and frustrated very fast, they’re more impatient and it takes them a very long time to feel better after a disturbing event.

When to Ask for Help

One of the signs of depression is feeling sad all day or for the most of the day. If the mornings are especially difficult to handle, and you can’t make yourself to get out of the bed, because you don’t see the point of getting up, you might be experiencing depression. Additionally, feeling tired, and lacking energy through an entire day for more than a week indicates that a person is depressed.

Some of the other symptoms include indecisiveness and impaired concentration, as well as feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Insomnia and hypersomnia ‒ an inability to sleep and excessive sleeping are other signs of depression, alongside significant weight loss or weight gain. While some people tend to overthink certain situations and can’t fall asleep, others find sleeping as an escapist behaviour and choose to run away to their dreams, instead of dealing with reality.

If you or someone close to you is experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to ask for professional help. Some of the best psychologists in Sydney can help you get back on track, relieve you from the anxiety, sadness and help you move on. With continuous sessions, you’ll be able to think rationally again, feel better about yourself and stop being depressed. It’s essential that you ask for help before you start thinking about substance abuse or even suicide. These are by far the worst possible outcomes that eventually occur if a person doesn’t treat the depression. Compulsive gambling, substance abuse, dangerous sports or reckless driving are the activities that people suffering from depression sometimes practice in order to try to forget about the situation that made them sad in the first place.


Dealing with problems, hurtful situations and tragic events is part of everyone’s life. While some people tend to overcome their struggles, others can’t manage to stay positive and eventually they become depressed. Therefore, if you or anyone close to you is constantly sad, tired, feeling worthless, and lacks motivation for all of the things they used to enjoy, it’s time to ask for help. The sooner they face their problem, the better.

Author's Bio: 

James D. Burbank has worked for years in traditional as well as online marketing. He has worked in Central Asia, Europe and Australasia in recent years.