From The Series- “ Builders and Not Breakers”

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.
-A course in Miracles.

Some of the greatest truths are found through very simple forms of thought. They are not convoluted or confusing. Simplicity is the key !

Let us embrace the beauty of the world around us. Think of the wonderful color that God created. We have indeed borrowed them, wearing wonderful clothes of texture and color. Painting with wonderful pallets and mediums, singing in various voices. How beautiful is true sound, color , texture.....
and even more powerful is true thought.

We desire to be loved, be prosperous and recognized. Yes it is all wonderful ways to be. In order to do so it is so important to recognize the source that our prosperity comes from. True Thought.
A few guidelines to follow.

Think things in the affirmative
Be clear in what you are thinking. don’t keep jumping around in your head.
To attract a desire you must be desirable, think desirable. be desirable.
be kind in thought.
Be forgiving in thought.
Be humble in thought.
and sometimes just be- not in thought . but simply in peace.
May today find you all in a way of blessed thought.
May Your love surround you.
May you reap prosperity.
May you conquer adversity.

I am here for you today. to help you with your questions on Life, Love. Money Career, Finance and Soul Path.

Knowing where you are in your life's journey will help your heart, Your path and your spirit. Let us find out your path today. Each path is so diverse, so Powerful and beautiful. All stemming from Thought!

Nothing is impossible with love. Everything is possible through it.

Dilani Diva
Your personal Love Psychic and Guru.

Author's Bio: 

Dilani Diva is a spiritual Psychic and a spiritual Guru. She has been helping many through her gifts of channelling for many years. Dilani focusses on The lives of people and their personal development. Wether is be Love, or Life or Personal Power. She Channels in with her guide to give us spiritual guidance and messages. Her focus is the development of each ones spiritual journey. Dilani also predicts for the future. However the future depends on each one's path and so she provides insights for one's achievements. To learn more about this mystical eastern Psychic visit her website and spiritual studio at
Or call 877-677-3482 for your personal reading.