Have you ever thought that the way you run your business could be making it less profitable? That might be a hard truth to hear, but it doesn’t make it any less of a truth. Money could be slipping through your fingers at this very moment because your expense management regime is no longer fit for purpose…
Time and tide wait for no man, they say. In business that means that if you haven’t changed the way you manage expenses for a few years, there is undoubtedly a better way of doing it that will save you money in the long run.
And finding the better way can be summed up in just two words: ‘embrace technology’.
Technology has brought about a radical rethinking of the way so much is done, and that includes the development of business expense management for small business.
Clever app developers such as the people at Solo Expenses, for instance, have wiped out for ever the opportunities for expense management error – so long as you’re diligent in recording the spend. And by doing so they have created a powerful business tool that’s easy and intuitive to use.
So it should be. Effective expense management software is about so much more than simply gathering information and paying expenses quickly, easily, and accurately. The acquisition of data that goes with achieving those things means there is a mine of information that can be tapped to help in taking a snapshot of the financial health of your business.
Evolved For a Perfect Fit
It’s also evolutionary. Created as the first expense management software for sole traders shortly after the millennium, Solo Expenses has been on an evolutionary journey ever since, with the same objective in mind – making expense management more efficient.
The result – so far – is a feature-rich smartphone app that operates like a smorgasbord of options from which to create a business management tool that fits your business perfectly.
Flexibility Comes As Standard
Flexibility is built in throughout the app. From the creation of your own categories (or deleting them when you’re done) to shifting seamlessly from one currency to another, and adding or subtracting features, every action can be performed with a flick of the thumb. Billing is flexible too, since you have the opportunity to add as many features as you want, and be billed accordingly – and you’re also able to watch the bill go down if you decide there are features you no longer require. Again, it’s just the flick of a thumb, because there isn’t a long-term contract in sight.
So how much is it going to cost?
That’s hard to quantify, because the charges are governed by the number of features you use and the number of people who will be using the app – but here’s the thing: Used correctly, we’re confident that you’ll save as much through accurate expenses and time saved in managing the process than you’ll spend on using the app. Check it out here.
Expenseondemand is an end-to-end cloud-based expense report software solution that automates and streamlines the expense management process.
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