The retail industry has seen many ups and downs over the past decade. Although the COVID period was quite tough for them, it saw a shift in the mindset of conventional retailers toward innovation and technology. As a result, the retail industry has seen an increased interest in the cloud platform. According to Markets and Markets, the retail cloud market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% till 2028.

So, if you are a retailer, the obvious question you may have is why you should run your retail business from the cloud.

Here are some benefits of cloud technology that would help you make up your mind.

Manage Multiple Stores Easily

It is quite tough for the owner of a retail store chain to manage multiple stores simultaneously, especially when the retail stores are located in different geographical locations. Moreover, as the data (such as inventory, orders, etc.) are stored in local POS systems, you need to constantly be in touch with store managers to keep track of each store. In such a scenario, comparing and analyzing each store’s performance and requirements becomes challenging.

Cloud offers a centralized platform to view and analyze your data. Store owners can access the data from all stores in real time, giving them better clarity of their business. For instance, you can compare which store has more sales on particular days and the most sold product from a store at a defined time, among other things.

Secure Critical Data

A retail store needs to process huge amounts of data daily, be it customer details, inventory status, product information, payment details, and invoices. Any data breach, especially the customer’s private information (house address, credit card info, etc.), can lead to severe consequences for the retailers. Therefore, it becomes vital for you to ensure total security for the retail data. However, setting up an on-premise security infrastructure can be quite expensive.

The cloud is an all-encompassing security solution for retailers. First, as your data is stored on the cloud, it is still safe even if your access device (laptop, PC, phone, etc.) gets damaged, stolen, or hacked.

Second, cloud providers ensure total data security at the backend by deploying multiple security safeguards, such as Intrusion Detection and Prevention, DDoS protection, multi-factor authentication, and access controls.

The cloud providers ensure you get the best security solution without additional costs.

Enhance Collaboration

Collaboration between retail stores, warehouses, and suppliers is a vital part of running a successful retail business. For instance, the warehouse should be able to order a product from the supplier before the inventory is exhausted.

The cloud platform offers an efficient ecosystem for smooth collaboration between multiple stakeholders involved in the retail business. Inventory, product, and payment information is updated in real time on the cloud servers, where all users can log in and track the current status.

Scale Retail Operations Automatically

When starting a retail business, the requirement for IT resources is minimal. However, as the business grows, you need to constantly purchase or upgrade the IT infrastructure according to your business requirements. In the case of on-premise IT infrastructure, this scenario can lead to additional costs and hassles.

The cloud platform is a highly scalable environment that can automatically adapt to your IT resource requirements. Therefore, you don’t need to upgrade or purchase on-premise IT infra. All you need to do is pay the cloud provider periodically according to your usage.

Reduce Costs

Retail operations involve multiple costs, from purchasing inventory and managing warehouses to transportation. Added to these costs are the capital and operational costs of setting up the IT infrastructure for the POS system and data.

Firstly, you need to buy local systems and servers, which also require more space on your premises. Secondly, you must regularly maintain and update the IT infrastructure, leading to additional operational costs.

Cloud eliminates the capital and operational costs of running your retail business. As your entire retail process is hosted on remote cloud servers, you don’t need to buy expensive on-premises hardware. Moreover, the cloud providers also take care of hardware upgrades and maintenance required.

Eliminate IT Efforts

When you deploy an on-premise IT setup for the retail software and data, you need to deploy a dedicated IT team for its upgrade and maintenance. Moreover, you also need them to always be on call when an issue arises.

When running your business on the cloud, the cloud service providers offer round-the-clock support for all your cloud-related issues. They have a team of cloud experts who take care of all your issues, along with the IT maintenance and upgrades at the backend. Therefore, it relieves you of the hassles of employing and maintaining an in-house IT team.

Keeping Customers Satisfied

Customer satisfaction is the key to any business’s success, especially in retail. However, it is usually easier said than done. Customers can come to your retail store and find the product unavailable, or you may not be able to deliver a product on time.

With Cloud capabilities, retail owners get real-time data visibility for advanced analysis. Hence, you can personalize customer recommendations by analyzing customer’s purchase history.

Moreover, you can also offer them discounts, send personalized messages, ensure the best pickup and delivery time, and more. With the help of cloud computing, you can ensure that no customer leaves your store unsatisfied.

Round-the-clock Availability

Running a retail store requires the POS system to be available 24/7, especially during peak hours and the holiday season. However, a minor technical issue in the local system can cause your customers to wait in line for a long time, hampering your reputation.

The cloud providers guarantee you an uptime value in their SLA, which they need to uphold contractually. They achieve this with the help of a business continuity and disaster recovery system that ensures POS and data availability even during a natural disaster or human accident. The best providers in the market offer an uptime as high as 99.99%, which means only six minutes of downtime in a year.

Facilitating Omnichannel Integration

Omnichannel retailing is a necessity for today’s retailers. However, it becomes challenging to ensure coordination between multiple channels without the right platform. For instance, product availability data from physical retail stores must be integrated and updated with e-commerce channels in real time to allow purchase. Otherwise, customers might find themselves ordering online and finding the product unavailable at the store.

Cloud is the best solution to integrate all retail channels on one platform. Retail owners can view all the data coming from multiple platforms simultaneously. Moreover, as the data is updated in real-time, there is no glitch in order management.

Run Your Business Smoothly from the Cloud Platform

Every retail owner wants a hassle-free and cost-effective retail process. The cloud platform gives retailers just that. It relieves them of all the hassles of IT infrastructure maintenance and upgrades and the cost of it as well. Moreover, retailers can keep track of inventory from anywhere and coordinate easily with multiple stakeholders.

If you are planning to move to the cloud, it would be great to get first-hand experience with the cloud.

Author's Bio: 

Bhavleen is a writer at Ace Cloud – a leading hosting provider for tax software, with several years of experience in the cloud industry. She loves to research various technologies and has a firm grasp on topics like Accounting, ERP, VDI, and HIPAA.