Before a couple of months I passed through a state of shock. I had a health problem that was acting up. I left behind a relationship that I believed had a future. My Greece (which I had made a conscious decision to live in, 5 years previously) was going bankrupt. Daily. I felt like all the stable factors in my life had become… unstable.

At the same time, our company, was rapidly developing. As a life coach, its part of my job to support and inspire people, especially during this ‘special’ period, many individuals and companies come to me with this aim in mind.

You see the irony? Miss Positive energy… run out of positive energy!

You probably have gone through the same thing: whether you are one of the thousands first class CEOs who were laid off, with compensation or without, or if your salary was reduced and you are struggling to make rent, or if you broke up with your partner, or if you suffer from a health problem.

When ever I confront a problem, one of the strategies I use to solve it, is to find somebody who has gone through the same (or worse) and find out how they dealt with it. I do this either by reading books, performing mini interviewing acquaintances or strangers, or participating in a relevant seminar. Read the following and I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

It is as if you fall into a trap, inside the well. That is how I call it, a well, because once you are in you need a tug to get back out. The only things that you can control in your life are: your thoughts, your actions, and your beliefs. Nobody and nothing else. You can not control national bankruptcy, your boos, or your children. As a result the only stable factor in your life, is you, this includes: your knowledge, thoughts, and actions.

Everything else, money, career, family, friends, hobbies can in seconds vanish. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to say that individuals do not need money, job, family, friends, or hobbies. I am a contender for a balanced life. Yet, if you focus on yourself, you take strength back from the system, society, and evaluate life. What do I have? Where am I? Where do I want to go? You will see that we all have the strength to create what we want. Life isn’t just given. It wasn’t just given to our parents or our grandparents. Life takes effort and reflection.

On March 11, 2011, a part of Japan was flattened and over 16,000 people were lost. There were over 125,000 commercial buildings lost, total cost of damage was some where in the 10 billion. The next month, the Japanese started to re-build.

We have two choices: to curse our fate which has been so rough, and unfair. The second choice is to turn off the television, to take control of our life, and to try our best, while keeping our eyes open, and searching for alternative ways to over come the current challenges. Which choice do you think would prove most effective?
It is not easy to get out of the well. To be exact it is very easy to get stuck in there, especially if your surroundings are in there with you. It takes guts. It takes a conscious and daily commitment. And you are meant to make it happen!

Be Unique!

Jill Douka

Author's Bio: 

Jill Douka supports people to take action, feel secure and get the greatest value from their future. She is a coach, workshop leader and author, lives in Athens, Greece, next to the sea, working with clients from 3 continents. She is the founder of