I know how frustrated you feel that you've done yet another diet but you're still not getting permanent results. The permanent results of dropping the fat and keeping it off.

After all, who really wants to go on diets over and over again? That's not any fun!

What's fun is to achieve permanent weight loss, which only comes when the Mind is attended to first.

The Real Reason Your Diet Didn't Work

The real reason your diet didn't work is because it cannot do for you what must be done if you ever wish to achieve permanent weight loss.

A diet cannot heal the Root of your lifelong struggles with food and your weight. Nor is it meant to!

A diet can only address the physical, and the physical is not where the problem is. You see, it's the MIND that leads the body. Always. Just like a horse leads a carriage.

Imagine this: the horse is your Mind, the carriage is your Body. Take care of the horse and the carriage will follow without struggle!

On the other hand, when you ignore the horse and refuse to feed and water it (attending to your Mind and your Inner Self) and instead put a new layer of paint on the carriage (applying a diet to an overweight body) then how far does that carriage get?

(Please note that I am only referring to healthy eating plans when using the word "diet")

Yes, if what you truly desire is to put an end to your lifelong struggles with food and your weight then you must take care of the horse first. That is, if you truly wish to have the quickest weight loss possible.

What is the quickest weight loss possible? Permanent weight loss without struggle. And why is that so quick? Because you do not need to repeat it.

Just imagine, what would that feel like to finally be done with the search for the next new diet?

Once you attend to your Mind first and get it in alignment with the body you desire for yourself on the outside, then it is easy to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. It is very difficult to live healthy and fit though, when on the inside your horse is overweight and unhealthy.

An overweight horse (your mind) equals an overweight carriage (your body). In fact, it's even Universal Law: The inner and the outer always match. Always.

Taking care of your mind first, above all else, will give you a struggle-free journey in your physical actions. Then all of the things you do to drop the fat will flow. Such as selecting the healthiest foods when shopping, cooking, eating, and exercising. All of the actions you "do" to create and keep a body you love will flow with ease once you first take care of your mind, which encompasses your Inner Self.

Now you can understand why it's been so difficult for you to "Just Do It" in the past when it came to dieting. This is also the reason that 95% of dieters fail.

There must be alignment between the inner and the outer in order for an action to be struggle-free and for the result of that action to last.

In my coaching practice I mentor my clients through the step-by-step proven System to permanent weight loss that I founded, which gives them the result of that alignment between the inner and the outer. That alignment leads to permanent weight loss and never again asking the question, "Why didn't my diet work?". You can click here to learn more!

(c) 2012 JoLynn Braley International LLC

Author's Bio: 

JoLynn Braley The F.A.T. Release Coach mentors high-achieving women (and a few cool men!) to permanent weight loss through her step-by-step proven System to a weight loss mindset, The Inner Self Diet™. Even after struggling for most of your life with food and your weight, once you have a weight loss mindset you'll finally make weight loss easy for yourself!

Grab JoLynn's FREE Five-Day E-course to discover Is Your Mindset Fit or F.A.T. and learn even more about what's REALLY been stopping you from losing weight for good (and what to do about it!).