The arms, especially the triceps are one part of the body that you don't want to leave out in training. Although, it is common for the biceps to receive the most dedication and work in contrast to the triceps.

Often the case is that the front area of the arms known as the biceps often receive the most focus, where the triceps can be easily left out. Therefore, with a proper grasp of the best triceps exercises will help make sure that it will be easier to target those muscles too.

The close grip bench press is considered as being one of several of the best triceps exercises. This exercise is pretty straight forward as it's based around it's title.

In a reasonably narrow grip, lie back on a bench and raise the bar to where it's a few inches away from the chest.

The elbows should stay closely at your sides for this exercise to work correctly and target those tricep muscles. This is the reason of having such a narrow hold, although there is still the potential for your elbows to fall away from your sides. If this happens it'll be the chest that will be exercised more so than the arms which will ultimately defeat the whole purpose of doing this exercise.

Secondly, there are French presses which can be used as one of the best triceps exercises.

How this exercise is conducted is by taking hold of a barbell with both hands and lying back on a bench with the barbell just before your forehead placed in a forty five degree angle what you should do next is flex out slowly while sustaining good form and keeping the elbows stay aligned with your body while doing so to avoid simply working out those chest muscles and keep the focus on the triceps.

Muscle imbalance can be dealt with by using dumbbells to do the exercise of the French press.

This can be explained where if one hand is more capable than the other, the stronger arm can take on the heavier weight. With the example of the weight being 120lbs and the stronger arm lifting 70lbs while the opposite one takes on 40lbs.

Tricep kickbacks come as one other of the best triceps exercises to do. Lean forward while standing having your body be parallel to the floor.

Then, with dumbbells in both hands, set your elbows up so that it's pretty much at a right angle to the ground, and move it back so that it's extended and straight. Then, slowly move it back to the first spot.

To properly exercise those triceps, look at sustaining the tension in the arms. And, continue doing this for several sets of reps.
It might be easier doing this while using a bench to support your other arm and leg.

This can also aid to relieve some of the tension from the back area also.
The key here isn't to just focus on other areas of the body and leave out the triceps. With exercises regularly conducted the triceps will coincide well with the biceps and your arms.

For the full article on Best Triceps Exercises, you may wish to check out: Best Tricep Workouts

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy Thomas is a fitness enthusiast who likes to ensure that the body and mind remain in perfect harmony, through partaking in a healthy dose of meditation, and regular weekly workouts. You can view a review of a great guide that may be able to help you by going to: Muscle Gaining Secrets Book