Do you worry too much? Or do you seek for an answer for your problem? Wait, do you frequently find yourself feeling tired, irritable, worried, depressed, moody, uninterested, bored, fear with something, angry, can’t get enough sleep, feeling drown and overwhelmed? Think about which of these symptoms you have experienced. Which do you experience most importantly?
The fact that you are reading this article, my guess you may be one of those millions people who seek for a support and an answer for how to relief from stress tension. For that I salute you for being strong and hopeful despite the difficult stress situation you find yourself in.
If you are experiencing these symptoms then it is time to take an action to bring our body, mental, and emotional system back into balance.
The more we know about a stressful situation, including how long it will last and what to expect, the easier it is to cope.
What follows is just a few of ideas obvious ones mostly that we could have thought of our self, but that I hope will be a useful reminders.
Set priorities. The best way to get going and overcome feeling overwhelmed is to prioritize. So set our priorities and use our time wisely and divide big tasks into small portions. And learn to focus in one activity while enjoying it.

Be a happy a person. Staying happy begins with having a healthy condition of happiness. So purpose your heart to be a happy person. Anything we desire to change in our lives must first with a change of heart and a change of mind.
Relax. We live in an age which full of tension. Give our self permission for some downtime. Let’s stop for awhile from what we are doing either its personal problems or tasks. Take a good break, take a nap and sleep like a baby as an idea of relaxation.

Love. Perhaps the most important. Falling in love if you have not already. If you have, fall in love with your partner all over again. Abandon depression, frustration and let your heart be happy and inspired. Or love our family members and friends. It doesn't have to be romantic love. Love all of mankind.
When we begin to apply these principles in our daily life we find ourselves back to break old habits and feel less tired.

Discover much more about how stress symptoms and find out much more on how to depression symptoms.

Author's Bio: 

I am Shane and am from Philippines.