People who live in constant and chronic pain are always searching for new ways to live their lives and for the ability to complete daily tasks. More and more people are turning to natural relief methods as opposed to pharmaceutical remedies. A lot of people are beginning to practice yoga and breathing techniques as well as natural herbs to aid in their suffering.

Yoga is currently described as a physical, mental and spiritual discipline that was created in ancient India. It has become a phenomenon among the health conscious and a staple in fitness regimens. What some don’t realize is that yoga has been used for chronic pain management for over 5,000 years. The techniques that are taught in yoga have been proven to alleviate pain and minimize the use of medication for sufferers. Yoga is about breathing, meditation and relaxation. These core aspects will distract your mind from the pain at hand, reduce tension in your muscles and teach you to pass through the pain as opposed to attempting to fight it.

Pain comes from your nerves sending signals to your brain’s pain controlling mechanism located in your spinal cord. When proper yoga techniques are applied, it helps regulate your pain controlling mechanism as well as aids in the natural secretion of painkillers in your body. When a person exhales, their muscle relax, when you hold the breaths in and lengthen the exhalation process, you help assist in your body to relax more quickly. Relaxation reduces the tension in your body and therefore, relieves pain. The awareness of a person’s breathing has also been proven to achieve a calmer relaxation. When you control the breaths that you take and concentrate on breathing in and out, you are no longer concentrating on the pain. Before you begin any physical regimen it is best that you consult your personal physician as you do not want to increase the pain. Yoga is not suggested for those with acute arthritis.

Natural herbs and oils have been used for years to help with pain, and the inflammation and there are over twenty botanicals that can help. When used externally, oils have no major side effects like that of over the counter or prescribed medication. Spearmint and Peppermint oil usually associated with chewing gum and toothpaste as it is added for flavor. However, they are among the most popular as the have strong anti-inflammatory properties and studies have shown that they work best for abdominal and menstrual cramps as well as headaches. Eucalyptus oil can be used to stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area and help ease any inflammation. Eucalyptus oil is used primarily for headaches and joint and muscle pain. Oil that is commonly used for joints and muscles is wintergreen oil and ginger. Meadowsweet is oil that behaves the same way as aspirin but without theharsh side effects or irritability to the stomach.

Author's Bio: 

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.