Many freelance writers and small business owners can benefit from using a barter service like Premier Barter located in AZ. This is a great way to exchange services and networks at the same time. Not only will you get what you need, but you will meet great people and potential customers.

Barter is nothing new. People have been bartering for centuries. Due to current economic conditions, barter services have received a lot of attention. Some services charge a monthly fee, while others charge a flat fee or commission. The rate you pay will pay for itself because it will save you time and money on the services you need.

"Barter occurs when you exchange goods or services without exchanging money. An example of a barter is a plumber who performs repair work for a dentist in exchange for dental services. The fair market value of goods and services received in exchange for goods or services you provide must be included in income in the year received. " Visit the IRS to learn more about barter.

Barter benefits

1. Opportunity to establish contacts. You meet other small business owners from different industries and develop relationships with them. Eventually, they can become paying customers.

2. Exchange of goods and services. If you are a small business that needs advertising services, you can exchange your products or services and receive the advertising and marketing services that you need for your business.

3. Save money. You'd be amazed at how much money you save by using barter services. It really is a win-win situation.

Working with a barter service is a great idea, no matter how difficult the economy is. In times of economic turmoil, small business owners do their best to cut costs whenever they can. Barter can help defer costs like advertising and marketing, which take up most of a company's budget in addition to payroll costs.

If you use a barter service, you must report it on your taxes. The form to use is 1099-B. Check with your CPA if you are unsure how to report barter services on your taxes. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to the IRS.

Research barter companies before selecting one. Attend networking events because you will find at least one or two representatives from the local barter company. Schedule a time to meet with someone from the company because you will gain a better understanding of barter services. Obtaining the data before you enroll will save you time and money in the long run.

Bartering goods and services can help put your small business on the map. Once you establish a relationship with other business owners, you can grow your business. Word of mouth advertising still works. Remember, a person knows at least five or more people. Not only will you receive great services or products, but you will also receive referrals. It's another win-win situation!

Author's Bio: 

For some small business owners, it is imperative that they find other means to market their products and services,