Stress is the real epidemic in this country. I think it's safe to say, many of us feel like there's more to get done in less time these days. People are stressed financially, stressed with a colleague at work, stressed with parenting, stressed being Single so long...the list goes on. Stress affects us greatly, probably more than most of us know. When we're too stressed, it can prevent us from using our best communication styles, it creates anxiety in the body, we don't sleep as well, and it can really break down our energy system and affect our health and wellness as a whole. Stress and anxiety are "contracting" energies not "expansive". So it's not really of benefit to remain in a severely stressed state for too long.

So how do we combat all of this stress in ourselves and others? Practice using these "heart openers". Heart openers activate our inner healer. When we use them, they allow us to be a greater force of good in the world for ourselves and each other.

Here are your 6 Heart Openers:

Kindness/ Helpfulness - This is the biggest one. Can you practice acts of kindness today? Not just helping out a friend and letting them know you love them, that's easy. The real kindness is when someone has just cut you off on the road or inadvertently mistreated you, and you choose patience and kindness to handle the situation instead of a bad attitude. Good job! That's the real heart opener because that bad attitude is worse for your energy system than it is for theirs in the long run. Shake it off and be kind!

Patient listening - For some, what they really need when they're stressed is a patient listening ear. No rush... and no need to fix or talk. Just listen. This is an invaluable quality to some and can be incredibly healing for the soul. It is a need for all human beings to be heard and understood, after all.

Happy work - Start a project you enjoy. Better yet, have the career you really want! What they say is true, when we do what we love... we're happier. If you're not in the career you really want presently and don't have time to start a project now, find small ways to create joy in your job. One suggestion, buy yourself fresh flowers once a week!

Appreciation - Write thank you notes. Truly, they never get old. Let an unsuspecting someone know how much you appreciate them. Or call them up today, don't text! They'll appreciate hearing the love in your voice. Mothers know this best. It's nice to hear that you're appreciated for all of your hard work.

Inspirational ideas - If a friend or family member you know has been stressed and struggling at their job or stuck with a new project, inquire if you can offer some help. It can be difficult to ask for help on occasion. So if you can - offer. Sometimes, two heads are better than one.

Self-care - When the day gets overwhelming and it's not convenient to book a Reiki session, meditate, or take in a yoga class for example, you still have an option for a little self-care. If you're at work and a difficult moment hits, you can do this in the restroom stall. Have a seat. Lay both hands over your heart. Close your eyes. Take some very slow, deep breaths. Don't rush. Even if this is the only quiet time you may have for the day - claim it, it's yours now. Be your own personal healer. Breathe...

Author's Bio: 

Daydree Horner is the Good Love Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Life Coach at MyOshun. Her goal is to help clients create the ideal environment for personal transformation to occur, where they envision and can manifest the life they truly desire. Her business offers services that help mindfully assist the individual in accessing their own healing, success, transformation and ultimate joy. MyOshun offers Reiki, Couples Reiki, Certified Life Coaching, The Good Love™ Coaching, and à la carte Dating Services such as, Virtual Love Assistant and Goddess Party. Daydree's warm, enthusiastic and focused approach helps clients disarm fear, access their gold within and connect to inner joy. Daydree Horner practices at BodyMind Systems Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA.