You are trying to enact a positive change when you motivate yourself to improve your lung health. However, most quit-smoking and improve-your-lung-health motivations are born out of fear, and are thus decidedly negative (just check out any Quit Smoking advertising in the media for examples). Now if you use negative fuel to drive a positive change, such as the fear of developing Chronic Bronchitis, Cancer and Advanced Emphysema, it's like giving your car’s engine the wrong kind of fuel. It'll run rough for a little while, and then it will quit. This is what happens when you lose your motivation and go back to smoking. Your Motivation Engine dies, and you lose your strength.

To stay motivated, you need the right ‘motivation fuel,’ and that's where Positive Mental Conditioning and Positive Forward Projection come in to play to help you quit smoking and stay clean.

Positive Mental Conditioning

Did you know that we are all Mentally Conditioned every day? No? Well it’s true. We all are. The important thing to note is that it is only those that REALIZE this conditioning is occurring have the opportunity to do something about it. The sad fact is, most of this mental conditioning is negative. The advertising industry is especially is guilty of this. Simply stated, advertising companies use repetitive mental conditioning to get you to buy stuff. But YOU can use the same, simple process on yourself to improve your chances of staying quit and successfully cleaning your lungs. This is known as Positive Mental Conditioning, and it can put you in a far more positive frame of mind, and a much better position to make those positive changes you make in your life stick. And when you look for the positive in your life, you find it. It also makes it much easier for you to focus on your Positive Forward Projection.

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To find out about Positive Forward Projection and other ways to stop smoking cigarettes and cleanse your lungs of tar and toxins, click below for what could be the most positive turning point in your life yet ...

Lung Cleanse