For many decades everyone knew that the only way to lose weight is by going on a diet and doing some sort of a low intensity, long aerobic exercises like walking or jogging. But if you look at the results what this has produced then we can clearly see that it ain´t working. I mean 2/3 of the population is overweight. But now more and more people are figuring out that a fast metabolism is the real secret weapon against fat, not diets.

Natural ways to speed up your metabolism

Physical activity is of course the number one way to speed up your metabolism. Even just a fe decades ago people were a lot more active, so their bodies burned a lot more calories, due to their fast metabolism. But since our lifestyles tend to lean towards inactivity and less towards physical activity then finding ways to keep ourself active is essential. The best way to achieve this is to go to the gym and do some strength training of course.

People really have to get the ideal that muscle is some big monster out of their head. Muscle does not make you bulky or huge, it makes you firm and lean. Muscle is your best ally against the fat. Mainly because it speeds up your metabolism, so your body burns calories more effectively. And the great thing about having a fast metabolism is that you burn tons of calories even while watching TV. The second great thing about weight training is that the more muscle mass you have the more you burn calories. That is why bodybuilders can eat 5000 and more calories and still have a sixpack.

Obviously your eating plan is also a excellent way to speed up your metabolism, if you of course have the right eating plan. You have probably heard that eating small frequent meals is very important, and it is. You can increase your metabolism if you eat 5-6 or even 7 small meals a day, after every 2-3 hours. The quality of your food is also important, so try to eat as much unprocessed and natural foods as possible. And never skip your meals.

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