Sometimes six pack abs can seem elusive, and with that, myths about how to get them seem to pop up – true or not. If you are aiming to have great abs and a great body, then look into the six pack abs myths to make sure you don’t fall into the trap.


Some people say the best time for getting serious about working on your six pack abs is during the summer. They think that you will burn off the fat faster, because the heat will cause extra sweating – which leads to weight loss more rapidly when you exercise.

Hmm. Not so. You should exercise year round to get and keep your great six pack abs. Your body works hard on building your six pack abs whatever time of the year. Easier to enjoy the benefits of having great abs all year long!

People tell you to avoid fatty food to get your six pack abs.

Not so. You don’t need to avoid all fatty food. Some fats are actually good for you – not fried chicken or french fries though. Just avoid the fatty food that is not good for you. Essential fat like that contained in olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc are actually good for you.

People tend to think that you need to just work out on the abdominal muscles and reduce fat in that area. Think spot reduction.

Whoa! You must work out your whole body! One part of your body always helps out another. Besides, you burn off your fat more efficiently when you exercise your whole body. Think more calories burned = less fat around your abs = more progress on those six pack abs!

Workout extra hard to get your abs faster.

Sounds good, but your body does need a rest to be more efficient in burning fat and building your six pack abs. Working out hard core four times a week is good. Use the other days to do light workouts.

Give yourself variety. Do yoga and have more fun exercises on the off hard core workout days. Even go site seeing, hiking, playing with friends or your children, swimming, etc. Have fun.

You will get to your goal of having great abs. You will also get a strong body overall while you are at it. Just avoid the six pack myths and get your Abs Truth Now. You'll be much healthier and feel better for it.

Be Healthy,
Renee' Barnes-Orozco

P.S. Please check with your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise routine.

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