By Stacie Campanelli
The infinite gifts of Communication. The beauty of the beholder. The sweetest smell ever imagined is ingested by the aroma of surrender. The truth. The Honesty. The heart. She pumps, she beats, she hungers, and she cries out....Sometimes so loud in silence that the body speaks what the lips withhold. A treasure so priceless and rare, that few have the ability to hold, while many are eluded to her grasp.
Sharing the gifts contained within the Sacred Chambers of the heart is an ability that we all hold within. When we choose to withhold, or hold out on and suppress the feelings & emotions that are designed to flow in a natural rhythm, we are cutting off the hearts ability to pump and circulate the vital life force. That life force is a Universal cord that connects hearts and spirits all around the world.
Over time, when we've refused to share & express our hurts, our pains, our frustrations, as well as our joys, excitement, dreams and desires; our hearts become bitter and eventually harden. We begin to deny our birthright to be loved, to feel loved, to give & to receive love. Do you withhold or do you hold with? Is your intention to receive unconditional love or keep yourself and your heart at a safe distance? Do you want to feel the touch that has the power within to raise you to the heights and lay you to sleep with the caresses & serenade of the Heavens? Wrap you in the warmth of the mother? Do you hunger to be enveloped by your lovers embrace?
Do you feel that your heart has closed up shop? Does your chest feel free & light or restricted and tight? When you set the intention to create a relationship yet do not engage all your senses in defining that real-ationship your end result leaves you unsatisfied and deepens your frustrations and sense of hopelessness. We must begin with the truth. Sharing the gifts of communication means opening your heart and sharing the truth. In order to create love, we must first surrender to love.
Self love. Letting go of the facade and curtain we hide behind, the shadows we take solace in, and the masks we wear. Speaking from the heart center and speaking the truth of our own core values. We all have our own core values that we live by and for, in our lives and interactions with others. There is one common core value for all of humanity. It's the core value that has been woven through the hearts of every living & breathing being. The Universal Core Value is Love. Is there a tightness in your chest when you share? That means you're not being honest. You're wearing your heart like an armor & weapon that destroys the masses rather than a tool that builds foundations & bridges.
Is your language seasoned with love? Or peppered with distrust & fear of rejection. Is your heart heavily guarded or do you allow the emotion to flow effortlessly and with such grace that reciprocation becomes a steady dance of infinite beginnings....The exchange of emotions. Sharing, risking, fearing, opening yourself more than you've ever thought you could...In that moment of your greatest resistance holds within it the power to set a fire to passion, to build a bridge and expand the borders, and to allow you to begin to create the real-ationship of your dreams. Starting with the dream come true of you. Begin to dream out loud. Share the gifts of communication today. Your life is waiting. Love satiates. Love satisfies. Love is. Say it. Mean it. Lay it on the line. Make it count. Connect eye to eye & heart to heart. We were born to love. Period.
By Stacie Campanelli
*Writer*5 Star Success Coach* Speaker
*Author/Writer* 5 Star Succes Coach(tm) Speaker* Women's Empowerment Leader * Feng Shui Expert * Mompreneur. Successful Mompreneur of five better than beautiful children (two 'bonus' children) & three grander than Grandchildren, I took a 30+ year history of Domestic Violence & Trauma and turned it into a new life of Women's Empowerment & Transformational Leadership. I have been well seasoned and trained in Discovery processing, Intensive Breakthrough & Leadership strategies as well as intensive Relationship Training. I am a leader of leaders and being gifted with an innate ability to see & connect with people at their emotional core, I am able to assist them in breaking through lifelong barriers and blocks. All of which have kept them in a state of longing, pain, turmoil, grief & suffering. As a coach & teacher in group settings as well as individual, I teach & show exactly how to make love a habit. I empower lives through writing, teaching and speaking. Educating others using entertainment and inspiration is my passion.
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