"I really admire those Olympic athletes, but I could never do anything like that!" These are some of the comments I've heard over the past few weeks from people with whom I have been discussing the Olympic games. Typically, you would not find me in front of a TV for hours, let alone watching sports. No way! However, it was with a great sense of pride, and interest, that I did watch a lot of the games on TV. I did so with purpose and intent – and for the entertainment, of course.

I have always been very goal-oriented and I am happy to share my goals with people who can help me and support me.

"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence is to find it.

All of us need a vision for our lives, and even as we work to achieve the vision, we must surrender it to the power that is greater than we know. It's one of the defining principles of my life that I love to share: God can dream a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself……..the key is not to worry about being successful but to instead work toward being significant – and the success will naturally follow." – Oprah Winfrey

How do you know whether you're on the right path, with the right person, or in the right job? The same way you know when you're not: You Feel It!

I did try the luge in Dubai and asked many questions. A great way to learn more about yourself is to travel, try new things and ask lots of questions.

Your life is speaking to you every day, all the time – and your job is to listen up and find the clues. Pay attention to what makes you feel energized, connected, stimulated – what gives you joy.

Then, begin with baby steps. If goal-setting has not been a normal, and usual, part of your daily living, it can feel overwhelming knowing where to begin. I always tell my clients to begin with baby steps.

"The biggest human temptation is not to want too much, but to settle for too little." - Thomas Merton

I attribute my ‘success' to these 7 basic steps:
1. Identify what you want (start with planning supper for tonight!).
2. Be clear and concise, and write it down.
3. Control your self-talk to be positive, up-lifting and forward thinking.
4. Take risks.
5. Ask for what you want.
6. You must eliminate toxic people from your life.
7. If you aren't happy with who you are and what you do, then change it!

So, not everyone aspires to be an Olympic athlete – nor an Olympic coach! What we do want is to live our best life. What one thing are you prepared to do, today, to work toward becoming significant?

"If it's to be, it's up to me!" – Lou Tice

1. Pick one of the steps listed above and apply it to your life, beginning today.
2. Ask yourself the questions: So what? Who Cares? What Difference Does this Make in My Life Today?

Do some of these exercises and I guarantee that you will start to live your best life. When you try new things, you are developing the confidence and courage to move forward and invent the life you truly want to live.

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux has a message of hope and success. For more than 20 years, Pat has studied the internal driving forces that create happiness and success at all levels. She knows what drives women, what inspires them and what it really takes to transform them from the inside out. As a coach, international speaker, author and radio host, she teaches women mindset and marketing techniques to help them figure out what they want to be when they grow up, how to get out of their own way, how to attract more clients, make more money and have more freedom – so they can develop the confidence and courage to live their best life – at any age! Pat is the author of the “Building Confidence and Courage Home Study System” and the book: “Who Am I Now? Simple Steps to Inventing Your Future – After Divorce, Retirement, Death of a Spouse, Empty Nest, etc.”