Something that every parent desires in their child is a healthy self esteem. As parents we hope we are doing the right things in building healthy levels of self esteem but what we don’t realize is, as parents we can educate ourselves to learn the best way to do this. Observing the components of self esteem is an important step in educating ourselves. How are we expected to teach something if we ourselves do not know much about it? Here is a summary of self esteem and its components to help in your education of your child’s self worth as well as the self esteem in children.

A Child’s Physical Self

This component of self esteem in children has to do with both the child’s appearance as well as performance. The physical component will include self esteem with the way a child perceives their appearance. Positive comments will include things such as “I have nice handwriting” or “I am really good at this game.Children that lack physical self self esteem will question their appearance.”

A Child’s Thinking Self

This part of self esteem has everything to do with what a child knows. These include basic concepts such as writing, reading, math, and so on. When a child thinks positively about these areas and what they are taught in school every day, they can be proud of what they learn and feel confident. Some positive remarks they may state include “I am smart at in math” or “I love to read.” A child who is lacking in this area may make statements such as “Why can’t I learn to read like the other children” or “I hate school and think it is too hard.Child are quick to assume that they are failures when they lack self esteem.

The Child’s Social Self

This last component has everything to do with relationships. A child should feel good about their social experiences such as with their family members, classmates, and peers. A child may make comments such as “I like spending time with my family” or “I have many friends.” A child who has low self esteem within this area may make statements such as “I don’t want to go to school because no one likes me” or “No one will play with me.”

All of these bits and pieces are the building blocks to great self esteem as well as child success. Now that you are aware of these components as a parent, you can begin to recognize where you child’s self worth stands and make changes if necessary.

If you want to learn many more great ways for

building self esteem in children

Click the link above or if you want some other ideas on

self esteem activities for kids this link will give you some great tips

Author's Bio: 

I am a entrenpenuer and successful investor creating many helpful products that improve people quality of life all over the world.