Hang on to your instincts for dear life. It is the power that fuels every good decision you’ll ever make. Real empowerment of self and women is your ability to hang on to “I’m right” when others doubt you. And, others will always doubt you. So, here two ways to feel reassured.

Give Your Gut Some Credit
When you choose not to follow your gut, you are saying. “I trust others more than I trust myself.” “My thoughts and feelings are not valuable.” “I know less than those around me.” Know that your insight, instincts, or gut, whatever you choose to call it, is your guidance system. When you ignore your guidance system, it’s similar to ignoring your car’s GPS when it tells you to turn left you’re approaching a dead end.

I bet you would never ignore your vehicle’s electronic device. So why in the world would you ignore your natural one?

Years ago, my two year old ran out of a store and into the shopping mall. It all happened within 2-3 minutes. I called a security guard over and he was quick to state, “We need to go right.” But, something inside shook me to the core.Then a voice, “Asia, go left, he loves the merry-go-round.” I hesitated for a split second then informed the security guard, “You go right, I’m going left.”

Less than a minute later, there he was in front of the merry-go-round. “Hi Mom!” he beamed.

Hang on to your instincts for dear life.

Give Your Instincts a Voice
Every I learned about speaking from the heart I learned in Kindergarten. You say what you feel, without doubt, and others respond. When you feel strongly about anything. No matter how small. Give it a voice. Bring your voice back to life.

Self empowerment means you give yourself permission to think, feel, and say what you feel. You give yourself permission to be you. You say what you feel, without doubt, within the presence of fear, but you say it anyway. Little by little the fear evaporates. Empower yourself by giving your instincts a voice.

In life, always bet on you. Don’t ever think the thoughts, opinions, or feelings of others are more important than your own. Not even if he’s a shopping mall security guard, with badge and all. Trust yourself. Lean more on that beautiful, yet powerful natural device.

Copyright 2011. Asia Sharif-Clark. All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Asia Sharif-Clark, founder of Centered Self Worldwide, the Glow Weekend and the Glow Circle. In 90 days, I take women from overworked and overwhelmed to empowered and energized.
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