On occasion, clients tell me they have resistance to change. This holds them back from taking steps that would help them market their businesses better, grow faster and experience greater success.

What gets in the way? Often the problem boils down to ego. Your ego can really get in the way. You might think you should already be where you want to be. Or you already know everything the experts say. Maybe you feel you can’t afford to hire a coach or mentor.

Here’s what my clients have said to me about this type of resistance to change. This is an age old quote, but holds great truth. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” That means, when you are ready, things fall into place for your growth. You become open to receiving the information, the knowledge and the new skills needed to move forward and advance your business.

For me, I used to get annoyed when people would say that and thought this was such a cliché – until I started living it. That’s what made all the difference for me.

I had a client, who had watched my work for years. She was angry because she was still where she was and my career had advanced. She pointed out the difference for her – she saw me saying “Yes” while she kept saying “No”. She felt she didn’t need my help or programs and had a kind of arrogance or “Lone Ranger” mentality. Those were her words for it.

When she stopped having resistance to change, in fact, the minute she said “Yes”, that’s when the opening appeared for her.

Another one of my clients told me the turning point for her was when she had several clients whose businesses took off like crazy. Her clients who had no resistance to change, went on to do amazing things based on the work they did together. They surpassed her in terms of business success and this motivated her to give up her own resistance. Now she’s in a much different place where she is open and growing.

You can diminish your resistance to change just by starting to say “Yes” to opportunities for growth that cross your path.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

If you have noticed your own resistance to change, be willing to take a look at where you are holding back. Your ability to be self-aware can make all the difference in your development. See if you have any arrogance about where you should be vs. where you are. Then make a conscious decision to start saying “Yes” when opportunities present themselves.

Author's Bio: 

Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of ClientAttraction.com, ranked on the Inc. 500/5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2011. ClientAttraction.com is devoted to teaching entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot, shift their mindset towards abundance and take a no-excuses approach to creating a highly successful and meaningful business, while working less. Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to go from 5-figures to 6-figures in their business and then from 6-figures to 7-figures, while experiencing freedom and creating an abundant life they love.

To order Fabienne’s FREE Audio CD, “How to Attract All the Clients You Need” by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit www.clientattraction.com