The Re-Evolution of Medicine
Mark Abadi – Conference Chair

Opening presentation for Quantum Energy Medicine Conference –
Denmark September 2008

Aims of Lecture:
To outline who are the key players (Pharmacartel, Oil, governments, anarchists)
Evolution of Medicine so far
To outline where we are in medicine and science
Dangers of Future new science & medicine.
The Boarder of new technology
To support an environment of respect and exploration of opinion
To be open to new ideas
To generate collaboration of research and business
About Integration not Annihilation


We are on the border of a transition in consciousness that can’t be ignored. It is one of informational medicine where the future of healthcare will involve finding the codes to access the activity ‘programs’ of the body. Once we have access ‘granted’ we will be able to signal in new directions for body & mind behaviour. Whether it be to mobilise the body’s defence system or to inform a growing tumour to cease its activity. All these possibilities of the future have arrived.

With this new technology comes a great capacity to heal, however there also comes an even greater ability to cause harm. These new technologies suggest an affect can be carried out at a distance and with no convention means of protection or evidence of the influence. It is because of this reason that we must now practice a more fully conscious approach to our life and work. We must demonstrate acceptance of our fellow practitioners, be they pharmaceutically based MDs or complementary based quantum therapists.

No longer do we have to live in the ‘battle zone’ of life, continuously fighting against ‘the out group’, instead we can move forward together, enjoying the ride, rather than being taken for one. It is with this attitude that we can best safeguard against those unconscious would be abusers, by through our own self development, we can attract them into a collective conscious expansion. With this ‘by association’ 100 monkey effect, all will follow us into a new era of peace, happiness and health. Then together, as a unified consciousness, we can explore inner and outer space.

Main Paper

We are materialising on the quantum chiasm of an unparallel leap in technology. There are implications far beyond our ability to see, not only to us as a society, but to us as a species at large. Not since the invention of electricity have we been on such a vortex point of Human evolution. Unique to this evolutionary step, we are developing not only technologically, but also consciously and collectively consciously at that.

The sharing of knowledge through the World Wide Web has accelerated our growth exponentially, beyond anything we could have contemplated before. Additionally we are on the brink of a convergence of predictions, from nearly every ancient spiritual tradition. This approaching era has been globally predicted to herald a shift in planetary consciousness. Written by our ancestors in a times before common cross cultural communication, there is a mysterious similarity across the predictions, which is impossible to ignore.

These prophecies all converge now, foreseeing the next 5 years to be one of the most consciously turbulent eras of Human Kind. Astrologically we are said to be reaching the end of the age of Pisces and entering the era of Aquarius, by the Christians. The ancient India Vedas predict the end of the Kali Yuga (time of darkness), with it the end of the 26,000 year Yuga cycle and the start of the next cycle with the Sat Yuga (1000 years of light). This 26,000 year cycle has been validated by modern scientists who suggest we are spiralling, on a 26,000 year cycle, within our galaxy.

The Maya culture, who strangely vanished without trace from the planet some 800 years ago, chose the period of 2012 to end their predictive ‘galactic calendar’. They suggested that the consciousness of the planet will shift to such a degree after this point, that it impossible to foresee what will happen. They too predict a ‘1000 years of light’ to follow this shift.

With the exponential increase in the level of ‘natural disasters’ comes a scientific awareness of corresponding electromagnetic and gravitational pulse emissions from distant stars, pulsars and local stellar bodies. The Earth is physically changing, global warming or global cooling, as the case seems to be, predict an impending restructuring of the planetary weather system, at a devastating impact to all planetary life. This synchronous geography upheaval will exasperate any shift in consciousness.

Technologically we stand bravely peering into Pandora’s box, unravelling the secrets of life and the cosmos. We are learning that less is often more and that there exists an entangled communication matrix, both corporally and inter spatial/dimensionally. Transcending time and known laws of physics, waves of information travel superluminally, achieving disproportional effects upon complex living systems. With these and other observations, we are actively decoding complex fractal frequency codes, which act as passwords to our quantum matrix ‘biocomputers’. Once these codes are ‘cracked’, we will be able to non-locally instruct the body on how to behave. With this technology arrives the magnificence of being able to eradicate diseases, viruses, bacteria and cancers, simply and without need for drugs or invasive surgery. This eradication will not be through the war like fighting of ‘Doctor against Disease, but through peaceful negotiation with the body, for example, simply ‘telling’ cancer cells to stop growing.

However the flip negative application of such technologies are always at least equally powerful, and in this case exponentially so, in their destructive expression. Beyond anything we can currently imagine, this advanced quantum communication technology will provide the ability to ‘crash’ a biological system at any distance. With a single strand of DNA, untraceable assignations could be carried out remotely. With seemingly no protection against nor even any ability to actually prove such attacks took place, it has the potential to become a very dark, abusive and controlling world.

However it is the author’s belief and fervent hope, that with this technological advance comes the predicted elevation in consciousness and such widespread abuse will never take hold. The responsibility thus lies with us to not only to continue to advance our understanding of these technologies, which are already being explored as weapons by most governments, but also to be ambassadors of conscious growth.

Unlike ‘selling’ an idea to someone, an ambassador of consciousness can affect the greatest influence by developing their own awareness of the interconnected matrix of life, focusing inwards and leading by example. With Michael Jackson’s ‘Man in the Mirror’ in mind, I have faith in myself, in you and in Humanity. We are greater than the sum of our parts, more than just ‘bags’ of mostly water. We possess the ability to live in a harmonic resonance, in a syntonic state, with our fellow beings and with the cosmos itself.

Be brave in this new era, open your arms and embrace your fellow biped. Allow your experiential ‘blinker’ masks to fall to the ground and breathe a new acceptance. Be within life right now, embody acceptance and the realisation that all life is connected through a single energetic informational field. This is a time for realising the contributions all disciplines have made to our current locality.

Pharmaceuticals are a fantastic creation in themselves, only abused by power hungry unconscious Humans, locked within insecure habitual patterns of greed and possession. Like cancer cells in the body – they are not doing something wrong, they are not evil, just too much and without consideration of the resulting ‘side effects’. It is now time for peaceful acceptance of disciplines of all nature, moving us logarithmically towards a unified essence of medial health care, embracing physical and energetic medicine. It is about integration and not annihilation.

No longer do we have to live in the ‘battle zone’ of life, continuously fighting against ‘the out group’, instead we can move forward together, enjoying the ride, rather than being taken for one. It is with this attitude that we can best safeguard against those unconscious would be abusers, by through our own self development, we can attract them into a collective conscious expansion. With this ‘by association’ 100 monkey effect, all will follow us into a new era of peace, happiness and health. Then together, as a unified consciousness, we can explore inner and outer space.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Abadi is a Quantum Psychologist and international teacher, working with health and wellbeing from a multi disciplinary perspective. He blends and expands psychological study with physiological biology and quantum mechanics to better understand the dynamics of the Human Holistic System.

His mission is to expand scientific medical awareness of the mechanisms behind in-formational (energy) medicine and help facilitate a new global integrated medicine transformation.

An international speaker, Mark has hosted many conferences and continues to link the frontier edge runners together, pushing forward boundaries of psychological, physiological & spiritual understanding. He provides entertaining and humorous existential dynamic workshops, seminars and lectures to stimulate natural curiosity and wonder.

Working with organisations and individuals he continues to deliver holistic intervention programs, which bridge the gap between science and spirituality by supervising research, therapy and education seminars.

As a therapists, Mark acts as a facilitator for an unfolding space of deep realisations and healing within all levels of your being. Often the provision of the space and reflection of one’s patterns, is enough for your system to rebalance itself. Mark has recently opened his online spiritual coaching work via skype, working with clients to facilitate shifts in their consciousness, through synergistic mentoring and coaching.

Most recently he has delivered keynote presentations to such groups as:

Association of Chartered Energy Psychologist (ACEP) – USA
Alternative and Complementary Health Research Network (ACHRN) – UK
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists working with Energy Medicine (ACPEM) – UK
The College of Psychic Studies (CPS) & The Inner Potential Centre – London, UK
World Academy of BioMedical Technology (WABT)
International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE)
The Institute for Strategic Research (ISR) – Budapest
The International UN Conference on Global Conflicts & Terrorism - Pune, India
Scientific Validation & International Technical Evaluation Systems (SVTEAMS II);
International Society for Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine ISSSEEM – USA
Quantum Touch - USA;
The International BodyTalk Association –USA

In addition he has hosted several international conferences including:
Unified Theories Conference (UTC) – Budapest 2008
Quantum Health Scandinavia (QHS) – Denmark 2008

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