Each week we receive tens of flyers and coupons of junk mail by post. Very rarely do we look to keep it. In fact, most of the time things like real estate postcards fall from our mailboxes and just eventually decompose in our front yards. Of course, one shouldn't always overlook these advertisements. In many situations, they're an important part of the company's image and acknowledging receipt of them might get you somewhere.

When we think about shopping as of late, we're usually headed online for the wholesale discounts. We work hard for our money after all. Why should we be traversing to the store, wasting gas, just to pay for mark-ups? It's all online, the deals, the printable coupons, everything.

Regrettably, this online world has done quite a number on what the true intentions of paper mailings used to be and that's opening the doors to a business relationship.

Who doesn't have a webpage or a blog nowadays? It's hard to be very successful in business without one. Believe it or not though, that's not what business was first about. It used to deal with the traveling salesman, of having a bond with strangers and creating a situation that benefitted both parties.

With all this virtual media happening, real estate postcards have become a lesser known source of value. Of course, they're not. Mostly, these days, they're sent in stacks that are meant to match the opinions of many. This is because realtors are still looking to strike that connection. It's a rough time now, but that doesn't mean people aren't looking for a change in their lives, or that third bedroom for the little one. But we're just disposing of this idea the minute it's put on the table.

More importantly, the hidden information about real estate postcards, is what they can offer you.

The first representation is an incentive for referral. Why it might not amount to much, in this economy, you have to take your swings. Realtors understand that, and so they're willing to come up with other incentives than the standbys.

There's no real knowing of where the reward might take you. It isn't going to be a trip around the world, so we should dispel such rumors right now. However, it is often a generous gift card, and isn't that something more than what you were anticipating when that junk mail met your hand?

In the end, though, it isn't necessarily a free gift. What it really is is a chance to build a better relationship. Isn't that what we want in the times of today that are so busied with profit mongers and electronic billboards? It's a good feeling to travel back in time, if even just with a phone call and a handshake.

What's more is you don't know where that handshake may just take you. Perhaps you're not looking for a new house, perhaps you really don't have any use for real estate postcards in the moment. But, just by not taking the opportunity for granted, you may already have a friend to walk with you should the situation call for it. Who doesn't like the sound of that?

Author's Bio: 

Tori is a real estate consultant who specializes in real estate postcard ideas.