Pepino melon strengthens your bones
• Pepino melon is loaded with vitamin K, which helps your bones stay strong.
Spring’s first veggies
• One cup of spicy watercress provides 100% of the daily value of vitamin K – a nutrient that inhibits the breakdown of bone and promotes the formation of new bone tissue.
Your daily vitamins and minerals
• You can find vitamin K in kale, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
Get your fill of special K
• The USDA recommends at least 120 micrograms of vitamin K per day for men, 90 micrograms for women, and 60 micrograms for children.
Calcium, Vitamin D, and your health
• Calcium is very important because it combines phosphorus to form bones and teeth.
• About 99% of the calcium in the body is in the bones and teeth.
Former fat guy
• Almonds have a good source of protein, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, and vitamin E, making it a crucial superfood for bones.
Don’t be swayed into taking Boron for your bones
• Skip boron-laced supplements and instead have at least five servings of fruits and veggies a day along with legumes and an ounce or two of nuts – this will provide up to 3 mg of Boron daily.
News flash
• Aged garlic extract helps keep bones and arteries in good shape.
• Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones may sap bone strength.
Maintain healthy bones with mustard
• Adding more turmeric – a spice known for giving mustard its yellow color – can help you avoid bone loss.
Cook, eat, enjoy
• Mushrooms exposed to UV-light as they grow contain higher levels of bone-building vitamin D.
Natural bone & joint health
• Studies show that individuals who obtain their calcium mainly from food have healthier bones than those who rely on calcium supplements to meet their needs.
Get your potassium power
• Potassium can protect against age-associated bone loss.
World’s best health
• Cabbage strengthens your bones with one cup!
• One cup of cabbage delivers 68 mcg. of vitamin K
Strengthen your bones with swiss chard
• A cup of swiss chard has three times the RDA for vitamin K.
Health News!
• Beer helps build bones! A daily glass can help because it is a rich source of silicon, a mineral needed for bone health.
Flaxseed oil strengthens bones
• Numerous studies show that flaxseed oil benefits bone mineral density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.
Want stronger bones
• Magnesium prevents bone thinning
• Potassium neutralizes acids
Are you at risk for broken bones?
• Get denser bones by trotting upstairs
• Make bones 25% stronger with mushrooms
Live 26 years longer!
• Strengthen bones by eating pineapple – one of the richest sources of magnesium.
Avoid the surprising weak-bone risk
• Maximize manganese with pine nuts – helps keep calcium firmly stuck to the framework inside your bones.
Build your bones
• Folks who ate one gram of powdered onion each day had 15% thicker bones after four weeks.
Am I getting enough calcium?
• For bone health, people in their 40s should get 1,000 mg of calcium a day. For people in their 50s and older, they should get 1,200 mg of calcium daily.
Strong bones for life
• The mineral strontium increases bone density by 14%, cutting your risk of bone fractures 50%.
• You can build new bone by adding 2 to 3 tbs. of extra-virgin olive oil to your daily diet.
• Corn is packed with inositol hexaphosphate, a nutrient that blocks bone thinning.

Author's Bio: 

Curriculum Vitae of Tuchy Palmieri
• University of Bridgeport -- BS Marketing
• Post graduate courses at NYU
• Countless self study courses in health, religion, spirituality, self help, and personal growth.
• Attended motivational and spiritual workshops from Tony Robbins, , Werner Erhard, Justin Sterling, Zig Zigler, Wayne Dyer, M. Scott Peck, Deepak Chopra Carolyn Myss, Barbra Brennan, and others
• Training seminars The Sedona method, the Silva method, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Dale Carnegie‘s basic and leadership courses.—
• Health and healing workshops -The Way to health at The Kushi Institute (Macrobiotic cooking method), Living lite (raw food course with meal preparation) Perfect Health at The Chopra Center (included Ayurvedic food preparation)
• Completed numerous readings and listening to audio tapes of programs from people such as Dennis Waitley, Norman Vincent Peale, Steve Covey, Thich Nhat Hanh, John Gray, Brian Tracy, Sam Shoemaker, And Og Mandino, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Scott Peck, Werner Erhard, Emmet Fox, and others

• Web information search Tuchy Palmieri search Tuchy Palmieri

• Certified Catholic Minister of the word having completed the two year Daystar Program, concluded in a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
• Founded, operated, sold, and then retired from a corporation in the computer sales and service, which employed 38 people in inner city.
1) Winner of highest award for achievement at the Dale Carnegie courses.
2) Conducted as retreat leader religion/spiritual 12 step orientation weekends.
3) Recipient of the Governor’s Award for Connecticut inner city Entrepreneurship.
• Upon Retirement, founded Healing-Habits a firm dedicated to helping people through the written and spoken word.
• Published and/or written 25 books in the genres of inspiration, motivation, spirituality, health, and religion
• A regular contributor to the AuthorsDen, under the Pen name Tuchy Palmieri consisting of Short stories, poetry and articles.
• Workshop leader on Goal setting/achievement, relationships, effective listening and relationships
• 40 years experience leading discussion meetings, seminars and workshops
• Mentored, ministered and sponsored numerous cross addicted people in recovery.
• Featured in a number of magazines, newspapers, and talk shows
• A regular participant in Author’s roundtables , and a guest on numerous spiritual and talk radio programs

• 26 years as a leader and member of the local Sterling Institute of Relationship men’s team
• 25 years in 12 step programs related to relationships, food addictions, & substance abuse
• Annual participant in Matt Talbot and/or religious retreats at Holy Family Retreat house
• SIA - Self Improvement Association
• Member of the Better Business Bureau