Every one of us naturally wants to take steps toward positive thinking because it would take us toward more encouraging and optimistic experiences. Since thinking positively does not come naturally or easily to most of us, it takes focus to acquire them. However, the steps of affirmative thoughts are many, and not all steps to optimistic mindset are as effective and useful as others. So why do yo have to take more steps of feeling positively than you need to? I have made and developed two steps of thinking positively that are powerful steps that they cannot even be called steps.

A more fitting description would be the leaps of positive thinking. In fact, you could follow complex system to reprogram your mind for sensing positively or you could keep it simple, so your efforts would have a much greater and powerful impact on your life. 1. Before each action you take, spend a couple of seconds seeing yourself getting the desired results that you want from that action. Always keep your mental focus on what is it you really want. If for instance, you are heading to a nearby grocery store and you think about how short the lines would be.

Do not think about how there will be no long lines at all. Instead, think about how quickly and easily you can do and accomplish your shopping. A most common mistake in positive thinking is in seeing or imagining things like this: a.) The physician will not find anything wrong with me. b). My boyfriend/girlfriend will not break up with me. c). I will not be caught in traffic again. These sorts of mindset are not positive thinking at all. They are negative thoughts just wearing disguises in positive thinking. The true positive thoughts are: a). My doctor will say that I am in the pink of health.

b) My boyfriend/girlfriend loves me so he/she wants to be with me. c). I will get where I am going--on time because traffic will flow smoothly. So can you spot the difference now? 2. Whatever you are thinking keep your thoughts not on what you cannot have or can’t do but instead what you can have and can do. Thoughts of can or could are the greatest and most empowering leaps you can take toward the life that you want. Most people make the mistake of thinking that positive mindset is looking at the bright side of life. They can say they can’t have the job that they like but it’s okay because it’s possibly for the best.

“For the best” is a failure or refusal to commit oneself. When you say something is for the best, you are saying you couldn’t have it but that is fine. So why not think you can have it just perhaps not this day? Consequently, if you try to practice these two things—keep your concentration on whatever you like and keep on visualizing about what you could do and achieve, and you’ll be building positive experiences each day.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at FabulousSelfEsteem.com.