Play Training
This summer you may find yourself wanting to have more fun, play and just daydream. Summer is the easiest season to find time for play, relaxation and fun. The warmer weather draws you outdoors more, you connect more frequently with family and friends…. and life just seems lighter and more fun. Summer is also a great time to let go of the “work, work, and more work” mentality.

Having fun, playing and relaxing can be good “training” for how to move more easily through the busier seasons of the year. So, as you’re experiencing the lightness of summer, tuck away the experiences so, during those busier seasons, you can remember what you felt and what you did to have fun during the summer.
(You may even want to repeat those fun experiences, adjusting a bit for a colder season.) Playing and having fun drastically
reduces the stress response in your body. When the body is not
stressed you are healthy, more productive and happier.

As I am playing, time seems to stand still. As strange as it may seem, I find I still have plenty of time to do everything I need to for the day or the week after spending time playing (as long as I don’t worry about getting things done or feel guilty about taking time away from my “work”). I also find what I thought was important may not be but the day and week works itself out even better than I had planned, when I have spent time playing. As one who loves her work, I have to remind myself although my “work” is my passion, it’s important to put play time in my schedule. Even my passion can become work and a struggle. When that happens, I find things just don’t move easily. I imagine the same is true for you.

This time of year utilize the warmer weather, go outside in nature and let our natural resources refresh and ground you. When you’re outside, whether it’s on the beach, in a boat, on a lake, playing a game with the kids, picnicking or just walking, it is a perfect opportunity to let nature comfort you, relax you and allow yourself to daydream. What a perfect way to easily move into a peaceful space. (Just thinking about this pleasant time, instantaneously releases chemicals to relax your body and mind. It only takes a moment during a busy or hectic time to “remember”).

I love to just breathe in and enjoy the lushness and beauty of nature. When I take a moment to do this, I always feel calmer and more peaceful. Even if I just take a few moments breathing in and watching nature, I regain my balance and a sense of peace. It doesn’t cost anything; not even a lot of time. As Eckhart Tolle reminds us in The New Earth and during his classes on Oprah, just looking at nature brings you into the present moment–the only moment you really have.

In the middle of writing an ezine, I was feeling a bit down and stuck with my new project. If you are thinking I needed to get out and play, you’re right! I knew I had to do something that made me feel happier, more open and connected to nature. I actually put some sunscreen on, packed my chair, umbrella, notepad and headed to play at the beach. After playing in the water for awhile, I relaxed in my chair….. breathed in the wonderful air….watched the gulf….and breathed in the moment.
Just as naturally as the waves moving in and out, so did the words and ideas flow from within and out onto my paper. After I “played” in and on my project for a while, I let myself drift into a relaxed state–just breathing, watching nature and daydreaming.

I remembered everything has a cycle–a perfect timing. As you look around in nature, you know there is a perfect, underlying “operating system”. With all the chaos of the outside world, our dramas or the dramas of others, we sometimes forget to connect into the “larger operating system” the perfect management system with divine timing, ease and flow.

7 Play Training Tips
* Schedule time for play, relaxation and fun-it will yield huge benefits for you
* Daydream about what you love and what makes you feel happy
* Do something creative or something that makes you happy
* Get outside in nature, breathe it in, and center yourself in the beauty of the outdoors
* Incorporate the idea of play into your “work”
* Do some of your “work” in another environment, perhaps outdoors
* Remember your “work” is just another part of “the game of life” as explain in this free download book written by Florence Schovel Shinn The Game of Life. Copy and past this link into your browser to get the free download book

Enjoy play training and your game of life!
Bonnie Snyder, Ed.S.,CPC
Transform Stress to Serenity in less than 10 minutes
At The Virtual Spa at

Author's Bio: 

Bonnie is a certified Life Balance Coach. Her comprehensive approach has benefited both individuals and organizations, including Charles Schwab, Fiserv, Florida Hospital, and banking
institutions. Bonnie is a contributing author in the book, How to Live Every Day Motivated, Successful and Happy and the creator of "Create Inner Space Cards" and a pocket Finger Labyrinth.

Finding easy, quick techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in our overly busy world, has been Bonnie's mission. She has designed the only Online Spa,( where you can de-stress in 10 minutes or less. Bonnie's powerful blend of easy, high-impact and inspirational techniques can be experienced at: The Virtual Spa™, reading her ezines and ebooks; participating in SerenityPathway’s teleclasses, listening to her CDs and audios, or during Bonnie’s coaching sessions.