Perioral Dermatitis is a condition of the skin that can be difficult to treat and frustrating for the one dealing with it. Very often the creams prescribed by dermatologists do not actually support the healing of the skin and in some cases make the condition worse. This article takes a holistic approach by discussing a key aspect to consider when pursuing healing of perioral dermatitis or any other skin disease.

Our immune system is designed to protect us from outside invaders, such as bacteria, viruses and poisons. When this system is alarmed by what it perceives to be a threat, it kicks into gear by attacking the “foreign” body.

The immune system is sensitive and so well-trained that when we are not dealing well with a particular event in our lives or when we are choosing a mindset that mimics being threatened, it’s possible that this system will wrongly conclude that the “attack” is a bacteria or virus. Not wanting to shirk its duty, the immune system will target an organ or body part and attack just as if it was invaded by a microorganism.

Our skin is one of the organs often attacked. The immune system may mistake the physiology of the “I am attacked” thought for the similar physiology of an actual microorganism attack.

If you struggle with Perioral Dermatitis it would be supportive to ask yourself if and how you feel attacked. Where in your life do you feel on the defensive? Is there a threat to something important to you? A job? Relationship? Your identity? An idea?
Is there something you are holding onto tightly that you need to release? Something or someone you are trying to protect?

I believe it’s possible that your skin is giving you a message. Perhaps it’s telling you it’s time to slow down and relax. Perhaps it’s time to let go of what you have no control of, and take charge of what you do. Perhaps it’s time to forgive and heal, to know something greater than you is taking care of you. The possibilities are many and the pathways to holistic healing are many too!

If healthier skin is your goal, then I encourage you to take a holistic approach to your wellness. Start on the inside and I believe you will see the manifestation on the outside.

1. Take the significance away from what is eating at you. Stop allowing yourself to be threatened…choose a new mindset that will put you in control.

2. Surround yourself with fun, loving, supportive friends.

3. Make time to laugh, to play, to have fun!

4. Get some counseling or coaching to work through any relationship that is frustrating to you.

The best thing we can do for our immune system and our skin is to be happy. To have healthy emotions and choose healthy peaceful thinking. This will support all our other organs as well.

How about making a commitment today that you will pursue a lifestyle of peace and contentment? Do what it takes to access this holistic lifestyle. There are so many resources just on the internet alone. Discover the power of meditation, breathing, exercise, acceptance and transformed thinking.

Here’s to your abundant health and success!

Author's Bio: 

Check out Julie Gosh’s eBook on curing Perioral Dermatitis at and her free newsletter Living Well at Julie lives in Austin, Texas with her two teenage sons. She is the co-owner of Generative Solutions, a transformational training and coaching company. She loves to write and speak and inspire the NEW in people’s lives.