The time is coming on quick for making New Years resolutions. Some seek to better themselves through resolutions of healthier eating, more exercise, and better sleep. Others seek to better themselves through helping others, or seek to better the world around them through acts of service. Whatever your motive, seeking to be more charitable and give more to those in need is a noble use of the great tradition of New Years resolutions. Donating time, money or supplies to certain causes will help more people than you can imagine and also give you a more rich and fulfilling life. Certain donations can even be deducted from your taxes, saving you money even as you give it away. Here are four things that you can do to be more charitable in 2019.

Donate Clothes
Old clothes that are taking up space in your closet and still in good condition can be donated to people who are in need. Giving business attire will be especially beneficial for less-fortunate individuals who are looking for work. Donating old baby clothes will help parents who can’t afford to buy new outfits for their little ones. As your children rapidly grow out of their clothes and shoes before they’re even showing signs of wear, you can donate those items to children in the foster care system. Toys are the most popular items donated to foster care facilities, which often results in children being sent to their foster homes with a bag full of toys but little clothing and no shoes. If you don’t have any clothes you don’t want but still want to donate to those who need it, you can also go to thrift stores or find clothing sales to get good quality clothes for others.

Offer School Supplies
Some families don’t have the money to buy the necessary school supplies for their children. You can help by donating these items that are needed for kids to keep up with their academic studies. Notebooks, binders, pens and pencils are always useful and can usually be purchased without having to spend a lot of money, especially during back-to-school sales. Backpacks and lunchboxes are other items that are practical and in high demand for those sending their children to school. Create the Good also recommends donating rulers, scissors and calculators. Donating school supplies can make a major difference in a child’s education and give them a better chance at a better life.

Give Blood
Your blood may be the lifeline that a person needs to survive. Donated blood is often needed by people who sustain heavy blood loss from traumatic injuries or have medical conditions that require frequent blood transfusions. This is especially difficult for people with unique blood types who can’t take blood from just any donor, making it even more important that a wide variety of blood types donate when they can. Normal peripheral blood can be formed into enriched blood solutions called leukopaks, which means that even just a single pint of your blood can be put to do a lot more for an injured person’s body than it even does for you before it’s treated. Many schools, churches and other civic centers host blood drives that allow you to donate at your convenience, and any of your local hospitals are equipped with everything they need to extract, treat, and store your blood any time you are ready to donate.

Giving some of your time to support a good cause is another great way to become more charitable. There are hundreds of thousands of people, organizations, and communities that are in need of volunteers, allowing you a wide variety of options to choose from. You can choose to volunteer at a food bank or help raise money for disaster relief. If you have a particular skill set, you can even donate your time as a professional. For example, you could volunteer to give free tax or financial consultations, provide free childcare on weekends or evenings, or give free makeovers for homeless people for their job interviews. Many animal shelters also look for volunteers on a regular basis, and community organizations are always looking for help with cleaning projects, setting up events, and gathering donations. Certain organizations will even let you help build new homes for people who need affordable housing. No matter what your talents, interests, or schedule, there is always a way to give time to those in need.

We all want the new year to be better than the last, and looking to help others and uplift your community is a great way to make sure that it is. Being charitable doesn’t always have to require a lot of extra time, money or effort. Every little bit can mean the world to someone in need, and you’ll find those little moments of charitable work mean the world to you, too. Serving others will give light to your life and help make the world a better place.

Author's Bio: 

Anica Oaks is a freelance writer.