Because you can not always predict when you are going to get sunburned, it helps to know how to use the things you have on hand at home. These common kitchen ingredients can be great sunburn soothers.

Cornstarch. Mix enough water to cornstarch to make a paste. Apply directly to the burn.

Vegetable slices. Thin slices of raw cucumber, potatoes or apple feel cool and may help reduce inflammation on small areas.

Lettuce. Boil lettuce leaves in water and strain. Let the liquid cool several hours in the refrigerator. Dip cotton balls into the liquid and gently dab or stroke onto irritated skin.

Yogurt. Plain yogurt is both cooling and soothing when applied to all sunburned areas. Rinse off in the shower using cool water, then gently pat skin dry.

Tea bags. Tea bags are great for burned eyelids. Apply tea bags soaked in cool water to decrease swelling and help relieve pain.

Vinegar. Mix 1 cup of white vinegar into a tub of cool water.

Baking soda. Generously sprinkle baking soda into lukewarm bathwater. Do not dry off. Let the solution dry on your skin.

Skim milk. Milk protein is very soothing. Mix 1 cup skim milk with 4 cups of water, then add a few ice cubes. Apply compresses for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat every 2 to 4 hours.

Other helpful remedies:

Aspirin can help relieve the pain, itching and swelling of a mild to moderate burn. Take 2 tablets every 4 hours for up to six doses. Tylenol will work also. Or if you prefer ibuprofen, take 3 to 4 tablets every eight hours.

Dip a cloth in cold water and lay it on the burn and sit in front of a fan, this will heighten the cooling.

Moisten a cloth with witch hazel. Apply often for temporary relief.

For sunburned face, try chilling your moisturizer before applying it.

Apply moisturizers. Soaks and compresses feel good and give you temporary relief, but they can make your skin feel drier.
If you are having problems sleeping due to burned skin, try sprinkling talcum powder on your sheets to minimize chafing and friction. You need a lot of rest for your body to recover from the burn.

Here are some facts about the summer sun and some ways to protect yourself.

Fact 1 - If you have no shadow or the shadow is shorter than you are, this means the sun is overhead and at its most powerful strength.

Fact 2 - The higher in elevation that you are the thinner the ozone layer and atmosphere, which gives you less protection against the sun's UV rays.

Fact 3 - Sand and grass reflect almost 100% of the sun's rays. So when you are at the beach or on the lawn and the sun is overhead, you get twice the radiation.

Fact 4 - The deeper color blue of the sky, the less of a barrier between you and the sun's rays.

Fact 5 - Glass does not effectively block damaging UVA rays. Protect yourself if you are going to be spending a lot of time around glass.

Ways to protect yourself:

1. Always wear the highest SPF sunscreen possible. No less than SPF 15. Make sure the sunscreen is waterproof.

2. Wearing a hat with a wide brim made from a tightly woven fabric, so light can not pass through, has much more to offer than a baseball hat or a sun visor. They do not protect the sides and back of your neck.

3. Wear large sunglasses that fit close to your eyes and bridge of your nose. Sunglasses prevent you from squinting protecting you against wrinkle formation and prevent cataracts and other eye disorders.

Author's Bio: 

Edith Lingenfelter - creator, owner and webmaster of Age-old Herbs - is dedicated to heightening the awareness of the natural healing powers of "herbs" and "herbal nutrition supplements". To learn what herbs are and how to use them properly to be well and stay well visit