So I’ve been on a spiritual path for a while now…off and on for fifteen years or so…a lot more on in the last three. I have had shifts and expansions, awakenings and dark nights of the soul. Boy what a wild ride it is…and for in as much as we may find ourselves uplifted to another consciousness perspective…it is in the maintenance of this awareness in which many of us get lost.

Now that we see from this new place…what does that mean?

My latest shift has been what I would call, an ego awakening. And since I’m such a fan of visual analogies…I’ll share with you the one I created around this experience. I felt like the best picture was that of an individual water well…you know, with stones for the wall. And that a person…who was asleep in their ego identity would be akin to a person stuck at the bottom of a well with chains and ropes and belts and string holding them attached to the walls and then wrapped around or attached to the person. Of course most of what the person does is twist and turn and arrange these bindings…but in the end, no matter how we arrange them or color them…they are still just keeping us in the well.

When we begin to see the programs and stories of the ego…we get a little distance…as though we are floating up a bit from the bottom of the well. We may at that time…see the stories and programs even more clearly… and begin to loosen some. While we are loosening some, others may tug harshly at our legs…pulling and tempting us back down into their swirling grip. It really is like the movie the Matrix. The ego game is really juicy.

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It is when we see as many as we can…loosen ourselves from them and from feeding them that we are able to freely float up out of the well…into the ether…where we just ARE. Everything is just happening…we are not running any old programs of fear or anger or pain…we are just there experiencing everything as it is…for what it is…no judgement.

So what from here? That is my current question. I am learning to live here and to recognize when my consciousness is being pulled by ego. Important to realize, I think.

I am also thinking about the analogy of the well and wanting to expand on it…by also describing it like a tornado…because…we do interact with other people and other people’s bindings. Theirs get entangled with ours, their stories hit our buttons and our stories hit their buttons…there is so much entanglement going on, it’s astounding. And maybe our buttons are where our stories and programs are attached to us. Like wherever there’s a gap or hole in our energetic wholeness is where a program or binding has connected and that place…becomes a button…that can get pushed which ignites the energy of that program and potentially energetically ties you up with that person. Wow. Far out? It’s what I’m seeing in my imagination. I'm not sure what to do with this image right now. I think for the moment, I'll just sit with it and see what comes.

So…where are you in your awakening process?

Author's Bio: 

Hope Tackaberry,CSMC is a Stress Management and Personal Development coach who lives in Austin, TX. Prior to moving into the field of personal development, she worked in politics and on capitol hill. Having experienced politics from the inside out, she decided to recommit her life in a different direction: toward helping others create a life of joy and inner peace. She offers personal coaching and seminars for groups and corporations.