When it comes to email prospecting tactics, it’s always advisable to send a draft to yourself prior to pressing the send button. In that manner, you can see for yourself what it will be like for your b2b leads and prospects when they get your emails. Not only that—you can see right away some parts where you have to make the necessary changes in order to catch the attention of your leads and potential customers to receive a reply.

You can also employ this similar strategy for your cold calling techniques as well.

Yes, you may not know it, but you actually have a few (or many) good and bad habits on the phone which you’re unaware of till you hear them for yourself. Indeed, they are the same old habits which prevent you from winning more business appointments. And how do you evaluate the efficiency of your cold call? Simple. By recording them.

But still it depends on where you live, as there can be some legal concerns which may need you to inform the one you’re calling that you are recording that call, that’s why you have to confirm that first and foremost. However, if cold call recording is not possible or makes you feel uncomfortable, then you can ask someone to listen whilst you make the calls.

Here are the top things to take into consideration during your cold call assessment:

1. Sound as if you’re the expert. Why not? Even on the phone, you must sound confident and authoritative if you wish your sales leads and customers to trust you and your market offerings.

2. Take note of what your voice sounds on the phone. Practice to have that relaxed and understandable diction devoid of “ahhm’s” and “uhmm’s”. This is to ensure that your prospects and customers hear you clearly and make them at ease talking with you.

3. Listen well. Although it’s a cold call, there must be a give and take when it comes to your conversations. So that you will be able to connect your b2b sales leads, ask them various questions then you can listen to what the customers' feedback will be. That said, you should not monopolize the whole conversation.

4. The objections. How do you deal with them? If you’re in the field of cold calling and telemarketing services in a call centre, it’s only understandable that it’s a world full of objections, not to mention rejections. Over time, you can practice how to deal with them by constantly interacting with them through the telephone. Patience and practice helps. If you master that attitude, your business appointment setting closing percentage would eventually get better considerably.

5. Before anything else, build adequate interest. This is especially true since it’s a widespread blunder in the world of sales if sales representatives ask for the business appointment too soon. You have to first secure that your lead indeed is already that interested in what you are discussing with him prior to moving on to the succeeding step.

Author's Bio: 

Anika Davis is a marketing executive for Leads and Appointments. And has a proven track record in helping b2b companies generate qualified sales leads through telemarketing, search engine marketing and email marketing. Find more lead generation tips and how to's at www.leadsandappointments.com