There are many things that you know about the world but you sure know that these are limited to the areas that have successful media today. For example you can compare your knowledge about Europe and knowledge about Russia or Africa. So let’s enlist some facts about Africa.

There are 54 countries and 2 disputed territories namely Western Sahara and Somaliland in Africa and its newest founded country is South Sudan that was born on 9th July 2011.

There are many mountains in the area and the tallest mountain is Kilimanjaro that is 5895 metres high.

Sahara desert is the largest desert in the area and is one of the most famous areas of the region.

There is Lake Victoria in East Africa that borders Uganda and Kenya. It is the second largest fresh water lake in the whole world.

The largest Island of the area is Madagascar and it is the fourth largest Island in the world that is over 1000 miles long and 350 miles wide.

You might have heard about Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe and it is almost 1 mile wide.
Nigeria is the most populated country in the whole of Africa with 145 million people in it and Sudan is the largest country by area.

River Nile lies here that has historical importance and is the longest river in the world that is almost 6,670 km long.

The six driest places in the world lie here namely Al’Kufrah, lands of Libya, Aswan and Luxor in famous country Egypt and three other.

The hottest place in the world is recorded in a place that lays here name Al’Aziziah in Libya.
About half of the diamonds in the world come from Central and Southern Africa.

The largest diamond in the world, 3106 carat Cullinan Diamond, was found here in Pretoria.

Three of the world’s largest gold suppliers namely Gold Fields, Harmony Gold and Anglogold Ashanti have their core business set up in Africa.

There are eighteen people so far from Africa who have won Nobel Prize which is a distinguished achievement.

There are almost 100 species of Lemur found in Madagascar alone (it may remind you of King Julian in Hollywood movie Madagascar).

African elephants are the largest land species in the world that are alive. They can have weight as much as 7 tons and can drinking about 160 liters of water daily.

World’s biggest frog is also found here which is almost one foot long.

The second largest canyon is also found in Africa named as Fish River Canyon and it is famous for its beauty.
There are a lot of diseases in the area and as many as 3000 children die of malaria in the region.

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