Today, Norm Goldman, Publisher and Editor of is honored to have as our guest, Cuban-born Servando Gonzalez author of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People.

Servando received his training as a historian at the University of Havana. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. He has also authored Historia heretica de la revolucion fidelista, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khruschev and the Cuban Missile Crisis and La madre de todas las conspiraciones: una novela de ideas subversivas, all available at In addition, he also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California.

Good day Servando and thanks for participating in our interview


Can you tell our audience a little about your most recent book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People?


I have been researching and writing about intelligence and espionage for more than twenty-five years. Two of my previous books, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, and The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis, are studies from the point of view of intelligence and espionage.

About two years ago I began writing a book about the Central Intelligence Agency. I had titled it Kiss Your CIA Goodbye: Why the Agency is Fading Into Oblivion. Half way through it, however, I realized that, though the CIA played an important part, the scope of the book was much wider than just the CIA. So I changed the title to Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People.

The main thesis of the book is that America is at war. But it is not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields —at least, not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapon is mass brainwashing through propaganda, disinformation, cunning, deception, and lies in a massive scale not used against any people since Nazi Germany. Though important, these elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long- and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a psychological war —a PSYWAR.


What would you say is the best reason to recommend someone to read Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People? Why do you think this is an important book at this time? What are your hopes for this book?


This is not a book for true believers “conservative” Republicans or “liberal” Democrats. I recommend this book to any person of the growing segment of the American people who already have realized that the two parties are a hoax, our leaders betray us, and the mainstream media, controlled by the conspirators behind the curtains, is feeding us with disinformation and lies.

The conspirators are a small group of Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations, most of them senior members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Though their push for total control of the U.S. government began in 1913 during the Wilson administration, since the end of WWII it has become a fully developed psychological war of immense proportions secretly waged against the American people. Key elements in this secret war have been the Department of State, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as some of the conspirators’ secret agents like Allen Dulles, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Fidel Castro. The Bushes, the Clintons, and now Obama also belong to this group of secret agents.

The ultimate goal of these conspirators is the total destruction of the American republic, as we knew it and the creation of a global communo-fascist feudal totalitarian society under their full control, where only the hyper rich and the super poor will exist. This is the society they euphemistically call the New World Order.

My book provides further proof that the growing segment of the public who believe in the existence of this conspiracy is right. I hope it will shock true believers in the Republican and Democratic parties enough to motivate them to search for alternative explanations to apparently unexplainable events.


What served as the primary inspiration for the book?


As I mentioned above, the initial idea was to write a book about the CIA. The primary inspiration was an almost unknown event that took place more than sixty years ago. Most books about the CIA mention the Agency’s role in overthrowing Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953, and the coup d’état that brought down Guatemala’s President Jacobo Arbenz in 1954. But they barely mention, or outright ignore, the riots of April 1948, in Bogotá, Colombia.

The Bogotazo (name by which the riots are known) was the first false-flag covert operation carried out by the newly created CIA. It was a Hegelian-type (thesis-antithesis-synthesis) psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) whose ultimate goal was to scare the American and Latin American peoples with the fear of communism – a bogeyman the CFR conspirators had created when their previous bogeyman, Nazism, had disappeared.

The Bogotazo marked the onset of the Cold War in the Western hemisphere. It proved to be very profitable for the CFR conspirators. The 9/11 PSYOP, created by the conspirators to introduce the new bogeyman, terrorism, after the fall of the Soviet Union, was a carbon copy of the Bogotazo.

I have devoted a whole chapter of the book to the analysis of the Bogotazo. In it I bring enough evidence proving how the CFR conspirators used the newly created CIA to recruit Fidel Castro and send him to Colombia. Castro’s role as an agent provocateur consisted in planting false evidence to blame the communists for the riots.


Can you explain some of your research techniques, and how you found sources for your book?


My professional training is as a historian. But, some time ago, I reached the conclusion that the analysis tools of the historian are not good enough to study recent historical events in which intelligence and espionage has played an important role. So, I developed my own research technique, which I call “historical tradecraft.” (In the intelligence lingo, tradecraft is the modus operandi of intelligence and espionage.) It consists of a combination of the research methodology of the historian with that of the intelligence analyst.

Consequently, I have not analyzed the CIA, the OSS, the CFR and other organizations neither from the naive point of view of the true believers in honest mistakes and secret successes (the Right), nor from the point of view of the true believers in the CIA’s evil intentions or stupidity (the Left), but from the skeptical, suspicious perspective of the intelligence analyst. As the readers can verify in this book, seeing from this perspective, things change considerably.

Also, even though this book is full of new or less known facts about the CFR, the OSS, the CIA and Castro, my major emphasis has been on the interpretation of the facts, including widely known ones. Most intelligence services agree that the most difficult aspect of the intelligence business is not the collection of raw data, but its interpretation and transformation into usable intelligence.

Moreover, faithful to my research technique, I have barely used CIA declassified “documents” nor have I interviewed any active or former member of the OSS, the CIA or the CFR. Doing it would have been tantamount to writing a history of the Society of Liars based on its documents and interviews with its members.


What challenges or obstacles did you encounter while writing your book? How did you overcome these challenges?


Writing a book like this requires fully immersing yourself in the subject. This means total concentration, but the main obstacle to this are friends and relatives. So I became a hermit for a year and a half and isolated myself from the world in the southwest. It worked.


Can you tell us how you found representation for your book? Did you pitch it to an agent, or query publishers who would most likely publish this type of book? Any rejections? Did you self-publish?


Books like mine, that don’t play the disinformers’ game of Left VS Right, Democrats VS Republicans, are not well received by most book publishers. Therefore, I didn’t waste any time trying to pitch it to a publishing house; I published it myself.

Self-publishing has many pros and cons, but recent technological advances have made it easier than ever before. I have some experience as a book editor, so I designed the whole book, including the cover.

Self-publishing has always been the last resort of the underdog, but now the Internet is helping to level the field. I am a satisfied and very proud self-publisher.


What are you upcoming projects?


I already began working on my next book. It will be in Spanish and fully devoted to an in-depth analysis of the Bogotazo. I have titled it El Bogotazo: Primera operacion de guerra psicologica de la CIA en America Latina (The Bogotazo: First Psychological Warfare Operation of the CIA in Latin America). I plan to have it ready by mid-2011.


Where can our readers find out more about you and your books?


All my books and documentaries are available at and other bookstores on-line. You can find more information by visiting my site at: The book’s site is at


As this interview draws to a close what one question would you have liked me to ask you? Please share your answer.


You should have asked me if I was ever a member of any intelligence service. The answer is NO!


Thanks once again and good luck with all of your future endeavors

Author's Bio: 

Norm Goldman is the Publisher & Editor of the book reviewing and author interviewing site Norm is a top 500 Amazon book reviewer and in addition to contributing reviews and author interviews to, Norm also posts his reviews on several other sites. Click on to check out Norm's credentials and to check out Norm's Priority Review Service.