Perhaps the most important concept or discipline I can teach you is “Earnestness”. When I was younger, while I had been introduced to mediation, I wasn’t earnest in practicing it until later in life when I realized how mediation so closely related to my own growth as a person. For me, it was a process in learning how important meditation was to my life and my growth in life. I had to first realize that meditation was a good experience. I enjoyed it but, until I learned about how meditation was a basis for growth, I wasn’t earnest about it. Once I learned about how effective it was not only in my own growth as a person but also as a whole, I became passionate and more earnest in practicing it regularly. It has become a firm and solid foundation on which my daily life is built.

The side benefit I got from this earnestness was what the East describes as an “awakening”; the sense of being peaceful throughout the day even when I’m not meditating. You too may find this to happen once you learn to live 100% present in the moment when you approach meditation with earnestness.

Earnestness is truly the key to developing a practice that will work for you, as it has worked for me. If you haven’t found that key to whatever you are looking for, whether it’s happiness, growth, spirituality, awakening or whatever you call it – once you find that meditation is something that you want to do and make it a priority, I truly believe you will find that key. You will have to let other things go and make meditation a major part of who you really are; you will have to approach it with earnest and passion. When you approach mediation with earnestness, only then will you get the full benefits of it. You will develop a sense of “all is well”.

If you really want to develop and experience the wonderful, infinite benefits of meditation you have to be serious about it. You have to develop a sense of earnestness. You have to make the decision that meditation is going to be a central part of who and what you are. This may mean that you forego something else in your life to make time for your meditation. It may mean that sometimes, even when you’re tired, you still take 20 minutes to a half an hour to meditate. You will make it a big part of who you are, a big part of your life, and you will receive the affects of mediation and all it has to offer.

So the two keys of earnestness are first, believing in meditation and its affects and second to make it an important part of your life. I really think I can guarantee that once you do this you will love the benefits of making meditation a very large part of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker and the creator of the weekly Meditation For Health Podcast, available at He also creates a weekly podcast that explores the world of Enlightenment available at If you would like to contact Dr. Puff, his e-mail address is