Getting married is a big step in your life. You are committing to someone you love, and are vowing to remain with that person for the rest of your life. However are you making sure to take in all the facts and marriage requirements necessary to make your marriage long lasting and successful?

Statistics show that upwards of 50-60% of marriages fail and end in divorce. The reason for this is because too often we run off when we are young and marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons. Love is a fickle emotion that grows and wanes, especially when we are young.

Just because you are madly in love now does not mean you will be in love in ten, twenty, thirty, forty years. It also does not mean that you are right for each other. Marriage is a big commitment and if you make it with someone you are not compatible with, you will just end up as one of those statistics down the line.

This is why it is important to understand what exactly you are looking for and what you expect to get out of your marriage. To help with this are a few tips you can use as guidelines.

1. Have realistic expectations. While dreaming of the picturesque family setting in the suburbs with a dog and white picket fence is nice and all, it may not be entirely realistic. You need to understand what kind of person you are, and what kind of person your future spouse is, and you need to realize just what kind of life you will have together. If you can not see the two of you living the dream life you want, then your spouse may not meet the marriage requirements necessary to have a long lasting marriage.

2. Be independent and happy with yourself. Confidence is important. Having confidence and pride in yourself and being an independent individual is important for a successful marriage. If either you or your future spouse are clingy and needy and dependent, this will get old as time wears on and be a source of friction between you.

3. Be loving and loyal. A lot of marriages end in divorce simply because the two drift apart. If this is not what you want to happen you need to make sure you are willing to put in the time and effort needed. Your marriage should always come firs and you should always be loyal and loving to your spouse.

4. Be their best friend. Out of all the marriage requirements out there, this is probably the most overlooked. A marriage does not mean you can not be friends, far from it. Friends are people who enjoy each others company, can talk to one another, and enjoy being around one another. If you can not see your spouse as your friend, you can not see them as your spouse and partner either.

Making sure you and your spouse can be friends, enjoy spending time together, enjoy talking with each other. This is important to ensure the survival and success of your marriage.

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Anyone can get married these days, but it takes a strong couple to commit to one both must be compatible in order to reach that next level. Marriage takes effort and work - if you would to read more go to our blog by clicking here