I was talking with a colleague the other day about their business. Like me, their ideal client already has an established business and knows they want to grow through scalable strategies and automation. As we were bouncing around some ideas of where those clients are I asked him, “Do you think you’ve lost some ideal clients along the way who could benefit from your system but left anyway?”

The answer was “Of course…but I don’t know how to reach them.”

It’s a common plight of business owners around the world. People leave your business when you KNOW you can help them. But for some reason they leave anyway for one of these core reasons:

1. They never really learn how to use or benefit from your offer so they never get engaged.

2. They don’t think they can afford you so they stop all together or find a cheaper solution.

3. You unwittingly screw something up and don’t know how to make it right so they leave mad.

Now you are probably thinking there is no way to salvage any of these issues but here is where you are wrong. You can pretty much turn any of these situations around if you know how. Lost clients can be a gold mine — they already loved you once.

This is where the knowing HOW becomes a VERY PROFITABLE and HIGHLY NECESSARY SKILL! Very few business owners intuitively know how to deal with these situations. But here is what you have to remember.

A customer becomes a customer because there is something you have that solves a problem they have. At some point they needed and wanted it. When they are leaving they don’t remember why.

The 9 Stealth Strategies to Increase Your Repeat and Referral Business is targeted towards solving this problem for good—and helping you keep those clients so they don’t leave in the first place.

Consider this…what if you had a system in place where they have a roadmap for using your solution, know they are benefiting on an on-going basis and can’t wait to keep investing and finally, you have a way of dealing with problems BEFORE they fester and cause people to leave.

If you don’t have these systems in place I’d suggest you place these strategies at the top of your to-d list. Listen, there is nothing more frustrating than spending a ton of money to generate and convert qualified leads only to have them leave.

Here is my recommended resource: The MARS Training Program. It’s chock full of strategies, resources and tools to implement proven strategies to retain more clients and get more referral business – even in a recession.
While you are here, what are some of your strategies for more referral or resource business? Share them in the comments below….

Author's Bio: 

Melanie Benson Strick, known as The Big Idea Catalyst, helps entrepreneurs re-energize their business, focus on the right opportunities, and to expand their impact with proven sustainable growth strategies. Ready to super-charge your business? Get 25 Tips to Re-Energize Your Business in 7 Days or Less at http://tinyurl.com/45j3ars