The Mystery of life and living is about understanding that for most of us we tend to live in, and are attached to the past, which affects our present and eventually distorts our future.
Quantum Physics has come forward at this point in time to help us realise there is a much bigger picture at play, and that we need to look at the fact that we create our realities through thought. Hence, much of these thoughts are misguided, and have fed into false beliefs for centuries. We were taught that 'God' was outside of us, and that the only way to achieve a connection with 'God' was through someone else!

We have come to the 'end times' the end of the 'old' world of thought into the 'New World' of thought. There will be some strange occurances to come but not the horror or fear that has been predicted. Its a time of the Goddess in every man, woman and child, where transformation and evolution will speed up. And the goddess comes to us all in the form of thought, through visions, desires, wishes, dreams, imagination, and most of all LOVE!!!

We have traveled the Universe for hundreds of thousands of years because of LOVE. And the Goddess will remind us, of that LOVE, inside us from the Soul, the Source. And this is the beginning of the inner quantum world of effects. Learn to Love that Self, that Source, that inner 'God', and watch what can happen. All responsibility is given over to this inner connection and from that place miracles can happen in one's life.
Just thinking of this makes it so believeable!
LOVE is the key, 'going within' through the imagination, is the door way!

Author's Bio: 

My journey started when I left my marriage in 1982 and began my spiritual evolution by looking into the ancient science of numbers. Long before alphabets were invented to correspond to their respective numbers, ancient scholars studied the science of numbers for guidance in daily living.

In the early 80's I worked for the John Edmumd Theatre company for 5 years and learnt much about acting, and administration. I then began work for Crystal Wave at Grange for about 18mths, and learnt heaps about crystals, and alternative therapies.

Being a single mum at the time, and doing much on my own, I realised through the concept of numerology, that I needed to learn to meditate.

It took a long time to teach my mind to relax, and focus, but the outcome was enormous and helpful. I then knew I had to help others. I started meditation groups in 1985, as well as teaching myself to read tea leaves. When I felt confident I put together numerology charts, and read the tea cup for people. I read many books, and the ones that most fascinated me were the ones written by Lin Andrews. I soaked up 7 of her books within 2 weeks. She is a woman who studied with American Indian medicine women, the art of inner power.
I realised I knew something about invisible energies, and inner power, and started practicing this old art with friends with quite interesting results.

During this time I was told about a number of American Indian medicine people who came out to Adelaide to run workshops, this is where I met Robert Morning Sky, Black Elk, Grandfather Craig, John Two Birds, and many more. I gained much insight into earth understanding, and how we need to relate and see ourselves through the understanding of our planet.

Then in 1991 I met Denise Linn, who is a well world renown teacher and author, of Cherokee descent. My first workshop with her was a past life one, that totally changed the way I thought about my life and how the imagination can work. For the next two years I studied her concepts whenever she came to Adelaide. She believes that everything that happens to us is because of our past. And that if it is an issue, you track it back to the source of the problem, which is in past lives and change it by thought, because it was created by thought in the first place. This change in thought to something positive, will change your present time because our subconscious self thinks everything from the past is NOW!! So one can recreate their life just by changing THOUGHT.. (Please read any of Denise Linn's books as there are many, but another interesting book is by Brian Weiss (psychiatrist), 'Many lives Many masters'. This book will help one understand how the past affects us.)

By this stage of my life I was running meditation groups twice a week, and doing numerology, and tea leaf readings. Then in 1994 I went to the USA, Seattle, and became part of a Vision Quest, with 28 people from all over the world. We lived on an island, sacred to the American Indians, in tee pees for 10 days.
This was the biggest tuning point in my life. Amazing things happened during the 10 days. When I came back people flooded in from everywhere to learn to meditate. I helped a friend run drum making workshops, and started running channeling courses, dream workshops, past life workshops, even teaching people how to read tea leaves, as well as teaching the basic numerology certificate courses.

The energy balancing work came to the foreground a lot more in 1995, when I met Chris Parmenter who had a structure to the work I was doing with energies. I trained with him to the end of 1996 and became a practitioner of Subtle Body Dynamics, which is a form of power body balancing. I have called it Mastering Vibrations of Light Programs and it is based on Quantum Healing. Then I realised how much it was connected to the understanding of Quantum Physics. In 1999 I was given an invitation to speak at the Nurse Healers Conference which I thoroughly enjoyed. In 2000 I decided to do a radio course with Vaugh Harvey, and was told i had a great voice tor radio.
I also gave a lecture on meditation to the Carers Assoc., in 2007, and to the staff at the Alzheimers Australia workshop. I was also invited on 3 occasions onto Carole Whitelocks radio show on ABC radio, to chat about numerology. I have just been asked to write an article about Numerology for Girlfriend Magazine. Please look out for it very soon.

I give talks, and teach from people's homes, and centres, in Adelaide, the country, and interstate.

At the beginning of 2004 I was given an opportunity of being on community TV, C31 - TV, to present all that I have learnt in an easy, style of programming, to include complimentary healing therapies,and metaphysics. This aired in April 2004 and has been aired quite a number of times since. And in 2007 I was involved in the making of a short film by Karen Power called Raphael.

I started with knowing nothing, but loved helping people feel better about themselves. When you see their eyes twinkle with recognition about something, then I realise I have added to the enlightenment of another human being.
I didn't know all these things would happen for me, and how my life would work out, but helping others was my biggest desire. I remind everyone, that anything negative is a lack of love, and if all that I have taught you is this concept, then you are better for it.

You have the power to change anything through love. Self acceptance is the key.

Denise Linn always told us, the key is your intention, and the doorway is your imagination.