Every business on this planet wishes to generate leads and wants the list to build up over time. What most of them fail to understand is that not every lead is a beneficial one. This results in the businesses using wrong strategies to grow their email marketing list and wasting their time and efforts.

So, what’s the right thing to do?

Read on to know.

Leverage social media:

The entire world is on social media today. Are you too there? Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and so on are the best platforms to reach out to new audiences and make new connections. These platforms are the best places to know about the latest trends and the hottest topics that your potential customers may be interested in. Make the most out of social media by encouraging people to visit one of the channels where you can convince them to sign up for your email list.

Have an active and epic blog:

It’s a no-brainer that empowering your customers is the best way of making them feel valued. And the best way to empower your customers is sharing knowledgeable posts that are backed by data, include actionable advice and provide a real value to all of them. In other words, make sure that you have an active blog that educates your target audience and keeps them updated with the latest happenings in your business. A quality blog would effectively provide credibility to your business and eventually make the readers sign up to come back for more.

Create online communities:

Creating a community is an incredible way of fostering meaningful interactions between your brand and customers. People can indulge in meaningful discussions related to your niche using these communities. They can share their knowledge and also gather new and out of the box ideas with like-minded people. In order to use these communities for building your email marketing list, you just need sign-up forms. Just include these sign-up forms for your newsletter on every page of the community.

Make use of live chat:

As a matter of fact, when you add live chat to your website, it further creates a double landing page. As a result, you never lose any of your potential customers even when you are offline. The visitors who are reluctant in sharing their contact details can thus reach out to you using a message with a live chat feature.

Put up crazy, viral competitions:

The basic idea behind holding viral competitions is to create a buzz and stir the excitement levels of your target audience. A viral competition can actually help build your email marketing list within no time provided that the prize you offer is enticing enough for the entrants to share the competition with as many people as possible. Also, you need to ensure you have an impeccable email marketing campaign that nurtures them throughout the journey.

Use these tried and tested tactics to grow your email marketing list within no time!

Source : https://www.livechatagent.com/tips-grow-business-email-marketing-list/

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