There are plenty of jogging benefits that make running one of the best sports for individuals who are looking to pursue a healthier lifestyle. From weight loss to a healthier heart, jogging is one of the most abundant and challenging sports there is and it is easily accessible to anyone. In this post, we detail all the benefits that jogging has to offer not only as a way of promoting jogging as a sport for the masses but also because jogging goes beyond just the “assumed” healthy benefits and encompasses so many other facets of life that can help people become a better version of themselves.

Here is a quick list of jogging benefits that have been proven by medical science and constitutes a big part of why many are attracted to the sport of running regardless of their age, professional background, ethnicity or prior athletic experience.

•Jogging is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. Many people already know this and science has volumes of data to support the justification. Jogging burns a lot of calories, more so than many of the other common exercises like swimming and biking. An hour of jogging burns more than twice the number of calories that biking can burn for the same duration.

•Jogging is a highly flexible work out that suits everyone depending on their specific needs. Beginners can run slow and just build up their running fitness while advanced athletes can run fast and boost their speed. In fact, the majority of jogging benefits we know of are closely tied to the speed of your workouts. Slow runs are intended to show your body how to burn fat while fast runs build a strong athletic foundation for other sports. You can reap different jogging benefits depending on how fast you run during your routine.

•Jogging helps fight off depression. When you run, your body releases hormones that flood the brain causing it to experience a “runner’s high.” This regular experience of a happy and pleasant state of mind helps reduce the risk for depression and other mental disorders.

•Running builds a great athletic base. Any athlete in any sport will eventually have some running workouts incorporated into their routine. Running is a natural workout for any athlete because it targets various parts of the body, from the legs to the core, the upper body for balance, and the coordination among different body parts that helps make a finely-tuned athlete. If you run frequently enough, you can also gain these jogging benefits even if you are not a professional athlete regularly competing in a professional league or sport.

•Jogging can strengthen your cardiovascular endurance and helps build a strong heart. Running teaches your body to become more efficient in delivering oxygen to the various parts of the body. The more often the heart does this, it becomes more attuned to your needs making it more efficient, stronger and more resistant to common stress.

Jogging may look like just a simple workout but the myriad of jogging benefits all tell a different story. Jogging is a highly effective workout that helps develop and build your body in so many ways. Start with a simple jogging routine and slowly build up your speed and distance as your body adjusts.

Author's Bio: 

Robert N. Perry is retired and after living in Costa Rica for 10 years has returned to be near family in Texas. In retirement he has chosen to write health related articles and has over 3000 on various websites on the internet.