Have you ever woken in the middle of the night feeling anxious about your future and wondering, “Is this all there is? Have I reached my peak and it’s all downhill from here?” Do you feel that tightness in your chest or the emptiness in your stomach that you’re not doing ‘it’ right, that you won’t ‘make it’?

I hear it all the time from women who are disconnected from their Inner Wisdom. You know, that place deep inside you where you have access to a wealth of personal, professional and divine information that when activated will guide you to higher levels of confidence and certitude about all of your life decisions. Yeah, that place.

When you don’t have access to this sacred place you feel self-doubt, uncertain, lost, fearful of the future and very much alone. What’s so interesting about this phenomenon that women are experiencing, is that you think you are experiencing it alone, and nothing could be further from the truth!

The other thing that is very frustrating to me is how much of your precious energy is put into worrying about the ‘what ifs’. Does any of this sound familiar:

• What if this is all there is?
• What if I’ve reached my peak?
• What if I don’t find that special someone?
• What if my business doesn’t succeed?
• What if I don’t lose the weight?
• What if I mess it up? (My kids, my marriage, my job)
• What if . . . (wait for it) I FAIL! (BIG GASP!)

All of this fear and uncertainty is a result of not having a deep loving relationship with the one person who can help to resolve all of these ‘what ifs’ with clarity, confidence and empowerment. That one person is YOU!

You see without this secure connection to your Self, you will continue to look OUTSIDE your Self for answers. That’s where the uncertainty comes in. For NO ONE can guide you on your path better than you.

Now check this out. I love this! As you learn more about your Self and become more connected to your Inner Wisdom you also gain access to your divine wisdom. That’s the place where you experience your connection to the magic behind the curtain. What you’ll discover behind the curtain is all the love, support and guidance you’ll ever need to attract the right people, circumstances and ideas to help you make the decisions in your life that create Joy, Freedom and all the Good Fortune you can imagine. Yes, even peaceful uninterrupted nights of sleep.

But first you MUST make that connection with your Self.

So how do you do that? I’m so glad you asked!

Your Assignment

When I work with private clients in my 6-month mentorship program we use a variety of tools, concepts and practical exercises to begin a “courting stage” in this new relationship we are building. We want to treat this just like a new relationship because you have never been in this place before in your life and you are a different person then you have ever been.

So let’s begin where you are and get clear about what’s going on in your mind every day. What are your thought patterns?

A simple way to discover your thought patterns is to keep a pad of paper with you for a few hours. Write down every single thing you say to your Self in your mind. No matter how silly you may think it is, write it down. You will learn SO much about your internal dialogue from this exercise.

Please share, either here below or send me a personal email. Let me know what came up for you, OK?

Side Note:
If you are looking for lasting changes in your life and would like to be in a better more fulfilling place in your life at the end of 2011 than you are right now in 2010, then I encourage you to TAKE ACTION.

If any of what I’ve shared with you has resonated, why not do this exercise? I mean really, what’s the worst that could happen, and could you survive that? And is the worst that could happen really any worse than what it’s costing you now to stay where you are? Just wondering . . .

And if you are really serious about making changes in your life, for real and for good, than I invite you to apply for a strategy session with me. Actually, I dare you to! Let’s make 2011 YOUR year! The year you break out of your current container and create a life that is so magnificent you’ll be saying things like:

“Doing this work has transformed Me and so too my life. It has enabled me to dig deep inside where I have found a power and strength that I never knew how to really access.”

“I have a renewed passion for life!”

“Everything is possible as long as I believe in myself!”

“On this journey I have claimed my power . . . to become the woman I was meant to be!”

Try that on for a What If!

Apply for your Strategy Session now!

Author's Bio: 

Want to use this article in your eZine or web site? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Aimee Yawnick has been mentoring women to make personal growth and development a priority for over 15 years. First, in the Health and Fitness Industry, now as a Personal Life Coach. With proven tools and systems Aimee helps her clients move swiftly and smoothly from a life of just ging through the motions and merely existing to being an active participant and living life to the fullest!
If you are a highly motivated and results-oriented woman who understands the value of developing your SELF, and you are ready to accelerate your personal growth in order to play a BIGGER GAME in your personal and professional life, contact Aimee today.