There are many sides to the issue of credit. This can be a huge concern for some, as the ego has a tendency to want to take credit for everything and then moves us into feeling guilty. This cycle is known as the “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” syndrome. If we are avoiding accepting credit it is an indication that we aren’t confident in our abilities. Some may interpret that by accepting credit that it is an indication that something is owed. And yet when we discard or reject receiving recognition for a job well-done, it’s only because we are in fear. We are also disapproving of ourself in some way. If we are acting in these manners, we can be certain that we are also pushing away other forms of abundance.
If on some level we think we aren’t worthy or deserving of receiving credit, that unworthiness actually governs every aspect of our life. The lack that we are creating will also extend itself into other areas of our life. As a reminder the statement, “How we do anything, is how we do everything” is reflective of this point. If we push small things of goodness away from us, we can be certain that we are also pushing away larger amounts of abundance. We are responsible for the recognition and good things we receive and experience. In addition, we are also responsible for creating situations of being passed over and ignored.
Perhaps you’ve noticed or experienced that at times it is uncomfortable in receiving a compliment. Maybe you respond hesitantly, offer excuses, give a half-smile, or perhaps just walk away. If someone offers you a compliment, for any reason, respond graciously by saying, “Thank you!” Then take a moment and include the fact that you received a well-deserved compliment as a gain. Gains are anything that is positive; because when we focus on goodness, and on being positive, we are capable of creating and receiving more positive occurrences.
When someone compliments us, it is only a reflection of how we feel about our Self. Accepting a compliment is easy. It begins with making a decision such as I accept that I did a good job! My efforts were well-done! Excellent! Magnificent! Being successful and receiving credit for job well-done is not the problem. The problem is focusing on previous times that we failed. The fear is directly related to our perception of being successful. In this instance, the fear is related to receiving and accepting credit or recognition. Focusing on fear keeps us limited and keeps us from reaching out or moving beyond the limitation. Our fear may tell us, “If we accept credit (a compliment or recognition) that something bad may happen.” Notice is a belief. It is also pushing away goodness.
Accepting positive recognition helps us to learn that we can receive and experience goodness on multiple levels. Acceptance is a necessary component in having an abundant life. If we can’t accept a simple compliment, more often than not, we wind up feeling disappointed because we are living a life based on extreme limitations. We are also living our lives based on the premise of “I can’t or I won’t!” The only things stopping us from being successful is simply our “I can’t or I won’t” thoughts that are lurking around in our subconscious mind. These “I can’t thoughts are what is preventing us from being happy.
The other side of this reality is in giving credit to others. This issue of giving credit to another may have a self-fulfilling purpose such as we may think we’ll get something. First of all, when we share a compliment or offer recognition to someone, it shouldn’t be because we have expectations of benefitting in some self-fulfilling manner. Our wanting something in return is not the true purpose of giving credit to another. When we extend honest recognition towards another person(s), it is simply because we are secure in our Self. We are taking a moment to recognize another person’s efforts as being worthy of praise. When we acknowledge others for their doing a good job, we are noticing goodness. We are acting in a positive manner. When we share a compliment with our spouse, children, or even with colleagues, allows us, and everyone involved to feel good. Giving our Self and others a pat-on-the-back for doing a good job is a wonderful and positive acknowledgement of positive thinking, doing, and responding. Words of encouragement when offered in a loving and supportive manner, without expectation of anything, is extending credit is a tremendous way. It is also planting seeds of goodness to flourish in the garden of what comes around, goes around.
When we examine our thinking and attitudes about issues such as taking credit, giving credit, or receiving credit, we are making better decisions. We are also willing to let go of limiting beliefs in these areas. As we become self-sufficient and more confident in our own abilities, everything gets better. A step towards positive is most definitely a step in the right direction. Our energy naturally moves upwards.., things become easier…, and life becomes more joyful. In reviewing this process for ourselves, we actually begin to experience more and more situations that once felt awkward as becoming in harmony and enjoyable. We quickly find out that as we overcome feelings of guilt, fear, procrastination and other self-defeating habits that in taking credit or giving credit for a job well done is a two-way street. Accept credit for the good things you are creating. Give credit to yourself and others in a selfless manner. Give yourself a well-deserved opportunity to increase your positive reactions and experiences. Be willing to receive higher levels of abundance in all areas of your life. Keep up the good work!
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Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives. The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.
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