Hello my friends, George Tiganus here and today I'm going to reveal to you some advanced information about how to get your website to rank high on the first page of Google. This is where the traffic is and if you are able to get high on the search engines for some keyword phrases people are targeting, you're going to get a lot of traffic and that is going to help you in your business and make you money regardless of the business you are promoting.

Traffic brings you income!

So let us talk a bit about the concept of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and you have to make your websites SEO friendly in order to get them to rank high on Google. Your website's rank depends on a lot of factors, and we will discuss some of the basic ones so that you understand how they work and how you can turn them to your advantage.

If I had to choose the most important aspect of improving your site's Google Rankings, I would undoubtedly go for BACKLINKING.

But what exactly is backlinking?

First up, think about some restless machines always scrutinizing the information on every website in existence.

This is exactly what the search engines are designed to do. They look at the content of websites and rank them by relevance of that content to the website's keywords. But there's much more than just the information you have on your website's pages. There could be millions of websites on network marketing, dog food or whatever people search for on the internet.

Another indication of relevance is the number of times a site is linked throughout the internet. These links can make the difference between two sites with comparable content because the one which has more of them will be regarded as more useful to internet users.

An incoming link, or an inbound link, or a backlink is a link on some other website that sends people to your website. The more quality your website has, the more backlinks you are supposed to get.

A backlink is recognized by Google as a recommendation so, naturally, they consider them important in establishing page ranks.

For example, I'm sure you've found Wikipedia in the top of Google results for a lot of the searches you've performed. Why do you think that is? They have a staggering 75 million domain backlinks!!! (Yes, it's TRUE!)

Now that we know how important backlinks are, we should be talking about how to get them, right?

There are some means to achieve that, and amongst those are the following:
- reciprocated links - finding a site to link to and have it link back to yours
- forum links - using signature links on forums
- blog comments - insert your link in your comments on high ranked blogs
- links generated by submitting your content to article directories, video sharing sites and the such

Search engines analyze these backlinks and the rule is kinda simple: "the more, the better". But don't get ahead of yourself and buy some backlink generating software that gets you a thousand links a day! Search engines are looking for genuine links, so any inflation thereof seems suspicious and might get you penalized, or worse, banned from Google, and then all your efforts go down the drain.

Author's Bio: 

George Tiganus is an expert author providing valuable information on how to increase Google Ranking for any website. His MLM Training Secrets rise the successful building of an online business to new standards of efficiency.