Hi, I'm Russ McGordon. I've been involved with dating Russian women since 2001, and I married my own Russian Babe in 2005. She's years younger than me, and she's my fountain of youth. I never believed I'd have such a knock-out beauty with brains as my devoted wife. I do highly recommend exploring the possibility of a Russian Bride, especially for guys on the rebound from divorce like I was. Experience is a great teacher, and I've taken the lessons I've learned and along with insights from my wife, and put them in my book "The Russian Bride Proposition - What you need to KNOW" I believe you'll find it very practical and enlightening. Step by step, you'll gain the knowledge necessary to succeed beyond your dreams.
When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it. – Margaret Chase Smith
Russian women take care of themselves. They’re sexy, slim, fashionable, smart, practical, faithful, and beautiful. They do the work that it takes to keep their selves desirable. What’s more, it’s common for Russian women who are seeking a foreign husband to marry men as much as 10 to 15 years older than themselves. Russian women think of men from the west as exotic, just like you do of them. Russia was a closed society for most of the 20th century. Now that they can travel, they are often eager to enjoy the world and its adventures. Russian women are feminine, and like for the man to be the one in charge. There IS a Russian Bride for you, and it’s likely she’ll be someone you wouldn’t have a real chance with at home. For instance, consider an early-40’s average man marrying a late 20’s beautiful woman. It’s totally reasonable with Russian women who seek a foreign husband.
You don't want to look back years from now with regret for having gone after your dreams half-heartedly. Live the life you dream of with the woman of your dreams by your side! You only have to do it to make it true. START NOW!
My website is http://www.bridesforguys.com. Get my book "The Russian Bride Proposition". Read it, and pose your questions to me. I'm glad to help you be safe and successful! - Russ