If you want to lose stomach fats quickly you need to drink sufficient amounts of water, a minimum of 64 ounces daily. Dehydration increases the amount of body fat. Dehydration also causes a spike in glucose levels in your blood until reaching the liver then the excess glucose is stored as fat. The liver's job is to convert stored fat into energy through the process of metabolism.

Our blood is 90% water and our body weight is composed of 75% water. Water has many functions in our bodies such as transporting nutrients, assisting in digestion and metabolizing your body's fat.

Dehydration will cause your blood to thicken. The reason for this is the lack of water in your body. Your body will therefore 'steal' water away from other parts of your body, and one of the places is the capillaries. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels passing blood from arteries to the veins. This means that if you are dehydrated, the capillaries will shut down from the lack of water.

Therefore dehydration will interfere with the liver's job of converting stored fat into energy, accumulating body fat. Additionally, dehydration causes the kidneys to malfunction. The liver will then overwork to compensate for the malfunctioning kidneys.

Rob Poulos, a fitness author, says that even though 64 ounces is the recommended amount of water, he suggests drinking approximately 100 ounces of water daily instead. This is especially the case if you are exercising. Water is also an appetite suppressant, and so will assist in losing belly fat naturally.

Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning that if you were to consume drinks laden with caffeine, the stored water will be forced out of your body. Consequently if you are dehydrated, this problem will be exacerbated by consuming a caffeinated drink full of sugar as well. This causes the storage of even more belly fat and overworking the liver at the same time.

The results of dehydration are aplenty. Among them are constipation and headaches. But drinking sufficient amounts of water will flush out waste products in your kidneys and liver. So if you are trying to lose your fat belly, water is an absolute must.

There are many researches showing that drinking sufficient water will also cause a reduction in the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and colon cancer by up to 45%. If consuming water can also have such a great impact on reducing the chances of developing these critical diseases, then surely the importance of water in losing that belly fat is tremendous.

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Check out Alvin's video on how to get a thigh gap.

Also do learn how to lose belly fat fast.