As a therapist, I was trained in art therapy. How you draw a tree can tell you a lot about yourself. If the roots are deep into the ground, if the leaves reach up to the sky, if the colors are bright or dark…all are images that share mountains of information with simply the swipe of a crayon.

I decided to think up a new medium to express ourselves since the “tree” has been around so long. Even Barbra Walters will never live down asking Katherine Hepburn “What kind of a tree?” she would be.

If I were a house, I’d be a big yellow house...

...with turquoise shutters and large windows that would drink in the sunrise and play with the colors of the sunset. A wild flower and herb garden would blanket the hills around me with carefully placed stone steps, winding their way up to my ancient wooden door.

My door would be slightly open and gently moving in the afternoon breeze, fanning something organic and delicious simmering on my stove.

“Come on in, have a bite and sit a spell,” I’d say.....

And for some reason, being completely out of your character, you would. After some time, a satisfying meal, and some genuine conversation, you’d wander off feeling not only loved, but also strangely more like yourself than you have ever been.

That is when my rusty old pipes would leak a little, not over too much use, but over the gratitude of being just who I came here to be..... a big, old, yellow house that offered the space for someone special to sit, eat, rest, and reflect awhile.

What would you be?

Author's Bio: is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.