So you’ve had a dream that you’re naked while you’re sitting at the table filled with family and friends at a holiday gathering. They’re all looking at you expectantly. It’s so intense it wakes you up.

Now you’re awake and wondering what in tarnation that dream was about. “Naked” dreams are pretty self-evident in their meaning. In all likelihood, you’re feeling anxious and guilty because you’re harboring a secret about yourself that you’re unwilling to share with family and friends. Maybe you’re an accountant but make extra money by spinning around a pole at a stripper club.

Maybe you’re gay but haven’t had the courage to come out of the closet. If the dream has twists and turns and permutations all over the place, then you can bet that in real life, your “secret” is generating all the twists, turns and permutations suggested in the dream.

Your psyche is sending you this dream to persuade you to share this truth about yourself to family and friends. It's time to take off your clothes (defensive facade) and reveal your true self.

Everyone dreams. Some of us remember these mental shenanigans. Others don’t. Whether you remember or not, they still perform their magical function in our lives. I believe if you remember, record and interpret them, you are one step ahead of the pack, because you have taken an active role in your spiritual and emotional growth by understanding yourself better.

Did you know that sleep deprivation is one of the easiest ways to torture a prisoner… because lack of sleep means you can’t dream, and when you don’t dream, you can get crazy and whacko. Besides, it’s sheer torture to be sleepy and exhausted and not be able to sleep.

Dreams are a necessary way for the mind to process the thoughts and feelings that a person experiences just before falling asleep… in a similar way that the stomach and intestines are necessary for the body to process all the food it’s taking in.

So… things are bound to happen to you during the day, and you respond to these events with fear, hope, desire, anger… or whatever… and your mind reshapes these experiences into stories and images during the sleep state in an effort to resolve the issues of the day. If the human psyche didn’t have a method to neutralize, release and resolve the toxic feelings which build up inside you, these “negative” vibes can cause disease and pain to the physical body. Not only are you building up stress factors which generate headaches, rashes, weight gain or loss, ultimately, these repressed negative vibes can cause cancer and other physical ailments. What your mind and spirit experience, your body manifests.

We all know that our bodies are self-healing. Scratch your arm and immediately your body sends all its resources to stop the bleeding, kill any bacteria present, create a protective wall against infections, then regenerate the tissue to rebuild your skin so it’s patched up as necessary.

The human mind does exactly the same thing with your emotions, thoughts and feelings. Your psyche, that brilliant whatever-it-is that processes these energies, recognizes what’s “bad” for your health and goes through exactly the same process to patch up your mental/emotional/spiritual core.

This is why the great icons of mental metabolism – Freud and Karl Jung, to name a few – had such strong convictions about the power of dreams. Dreams have the power to generate self-healing, self-understanding and self-guidance. Dreams can aid you in resolving the current dilemmas in your life.

It can be as simple as having a journal by your bedside, recording the major components of the dream before you forget them, and determining what the dream signifies. You can even put such components in your iphone or ipad, or if you’re really motivated, typing out as much as you can into your computer word processing program.

In my book, “I DREAMT I WAS NAKED,” (available through Amazon.Com), I actually show examples of how I interpreted my dreams through the many years I’ve been using my dreams as a self-guidance system. When I go through my many files of dreams I’ve had over the years and read the interpretations I generated for each dream, I can’t help but think how recording and understanding my dreams have made my life so much less stressful and confusing.

I recommend it to anyone seeking self-improvement and self-help tools.

Author's Bio: 

Tessie Jayme is a Minister of the Universal Life Church, a Reiki Master/Teacher, author of “BOOK OF YES,” “I DREAMT I WAS NAKED,” and “ATOP PEGASUS.”

In “BOOK OF YES,” Tessie explores a different perspective of the Ten Commandments, bringing a contemporary, positive interpretation to these tenets, seeing them as affirmations of personal power, rather than as the restrictive mandates of a dictatorial God.

“I DREAMT I WAS NAKED” includes samples of the many dreams she’s recorded for the past forty years, and interpretations for those dreams. From the simple to the complex, these archives have provided guidance and clarity for the many issues and dilemmas which have challenged her throughout her life. In sharing this information, her intent is to show you how it’s possible to solve your daily challenges by paying attention to the information stored within yourself.

A fictional work, “ATOP PEGASUS” explores the moral underpinnings of forbidden love. A 12-year-old girl fallis in love with her neighbor – a San Francisco college professor married to an invalid. Years pass and her love for this man evolves to a more mature love, and she becomes his student during college. When he falls in love with her and they embark on an affair, the morality of their relationship is pitted against the true soul-deep love they feel for each other.

Through the course of her exploration of the ever-fascinating workings of the Universe, Tessie has studied Numerology, Astrology, Feng Shui, Palmistry, Face-Reading, Tarot-Card-Reading, Handwriting Analysis and the Native American lore of power animals. In addition, she taught Numerology at Los Angeles City College as part of their Community Services program.

Tessie is an eternal student of the multi-dimensional Universe, constantly learning and discovering the many facets of existence. She considers herself a transformer, illuminating the path for others so they can evolve and transform to their full potential.


Link to myspace: http://myspace.com/tessworks
Link to personal website with bio and other services: http://www.tessiejayme.com
Link to website with goodies containing my tarot card designs: http://www.cafepress.com/tessworks