Its true that Yoga and Thai massage are both ancient healing practices that have been around for thousands of years. both are practiced quote differently and more often than not have specific goals and benefits in mind for students and teachers.

By combining these practices I’ve enhanced my skills as a healer with greater awareness on the power of the energetic body and the stories our bodies hold physically. If we continue to do the work internally to unify with mind, body and spirit "Yoga" we will be able to maintain balance and health in the physical body — the ultimate goal of Thai Massage.

I always tell my students, in Yoga, we reach the energetic body through the physical asana practice but in Thai Massage we connect with the energetic body to release the physical body. Both practices are ancient healing arts that are still very much alive today. Although accessed through different modalities, the result is the same as it cultivates and nourishes peace in the mind, body, and soul.

Through my studies in Thailand, I have found many ways in which this practice complements yoga. For practitioners of yoga, giving or receiving Thai Massage can help you to release tension and discomfort in the body, have a deeper understanding of your own energetic body, and relax through therapeutic and dynamic movement and stretching. For a Yoga Teacher, learning Thai Massage can enhance your ability to see and feel the body in a whole new way, increase your ability to sequence intelligently, and assist you in making confident adjustments in your class.

Thai Massage is performed without any oil and with your clothes on. It starts at the feet, as they are a map to the entire body. Thai Massage blends elements of Acupressure, Yoga, Reflexology, Physiotherapy, Meditation, Energy Healing, Chiropractic and Ayurvedic wisdom.
for more information visit Chiang Mai Yoga and Thai Massage or Yoga in Chiang Mai

Author's Bio: 

uthor Bio:
Adam Domine: After being involved in extreme sports such as bodybuilding and kickboxing for many years, Adam began to notice his physical health deteriorating. Five years ago, after a string of injuries, Adam started his yoga journey and has since reversed his deteriorating health and completed his 200-hour teacher training in both Hatha and Ashtanga yoga in Rishikesh India. Adam now runs Freedom Yoga in Chiang Mai where he teaches daily yoga classes and workshops in the hope of guiding other on the path of yoga. see Chiang Mai Yoga classes for more info