As you know, shyness can create an array of problems. You struggle in pretty much every social situation. You ask yourself, how can these people speak so effortlessly? whilst you’re stuck trying to form a sentence. You look at the more spontaneous people, wonder how they do it so easily and wish you could be more like them. Your internal dialogue hosts a never-ending negative self-talk such as “what is wrong with me?”

I’m sure you would agree that shyness affects all social spheres of your life, including (but not limited to) your ability to reveal and share yourself with others; the ability to attract individuals; and your ability to stand out in a world full of others trying to express themselves. Most importantly, the negative consequences caused by your shyness regarding how you feel about yourself and the consequential self-talk leads to low self-esteem and generates a multitude of other issues in the way you see yourself and perceive yourself in the world.

Is it possible to permanently eliminate shyness from your life in such a way that you will not even remember that you were ever shy? Absolutely! To do so however requires a measure of courage and desire.
What is shyness?

In a nutshell, shyness is a conditioned emotional program that constricts and restricts the full natural charismatic expression of an individual. It is conditioned into and stored in the unconscious mind of the individual by various negative beliefs and emotions such as:

1. I am shy and that’s just the way I am
2. I’m afraid of making a fool of myself and being humiliated
3. I can never think of what to say when I’m with others
4. I’m afraid others will not like me
5. I’m afraid others will reject me
6. I’m a loser
7. I’m defective and/or deficient
8. There’s something wrong with me
9. I have inherited my shyness
And so on.
All of these beliefs are generated, supported and justified at the unconscious level of the mind by negative memories of early life that disrupted a normal and smooth connection with others. These include memories of humiliation, rejection, embarrassment, inappropriate intimate interactions and many more.

Once the memories get recorded in your mind/body they literally “define” you, i.e. they program you to believe that this is who and what you are. Once defined within you, the ability to challenge these beliefs about yourself seems almost impossible.

That’s interesting is that these negative beliefs and emotions behave like internal hypnotic suggestions that limit you. You’ve likely seen or heard of shy individuals who were able to be quite gregarious when placed in a hypnotic trance. This is possible because the externally supplied suggestions are able to temporarily over-ride the internal ones, thereby allowing a temporary measure of freedom of expression.

The key however is that the effect is temporary. Temporary because the negative memories generating the internal hypnotic self-talk and beliefs remain firmly anchored and continue to generate the beliefs about yourself that erode away at the external suggestions, thereby re-imprisoning the person. It doesn’t matter how many compliments someone gives you when you have these beliefs inside of you – none of them will override what your unconscious programming is causing you to believe about yourself.

If you are one of those individuals who wants to break free from the shyness mantle and become the most confident, attractive, open, carefree version of yourself; someone who attracts better relationships, career and success opportunities, you are in the right place.

If you would like to reclaim full ownership of your full, authentic expression, contact me via the link below for an introductory phone/Skype consultation and kick start your increased confidence today.

Author's Bio: 

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Felicity Muscat is the Founder of The Institute of Self Mastery which was created to help others fulfil the truest, highest, and most authentic expression of themselves in all areas of life.

If you have tried other approaches that have failed and are ready for change, request a complimentary introductory phone/Skype coaching consultation to help you get started on your journey back to your peak performing empowered and alive self today. To learn more and explore others’ success stories, download Felicity’s eBooks.

Felicity Muscat, former psychologist is now an international self-esteem, self-empowerment, and self-mastery life coach. Felicity is also a relationship and success coach, author of three best-selling books and Level 3 mind resonance coach.

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