The concept of video resumes was developed in early 90s and later it became widely popular due to its innovative idea of explaining your job relevant details through a video to the employer. There are many resume website providing such video resume writing tips and online assistance for preparing these CVs. They also provide a variety of resume samples to help you. Here we provide you some tips for preparing your video resume and making it impressive.

Video Resume Tips

A video resume can make a remarkable impression on the prospective employer; however, if you don’t write it carefully, it can turn out to be nasty for many. Here are some tips to help you get onto a right shoe when preparing a video CV for you.


Appropriateness is the major concern of any resume, whether it is a printed copy or a video. The details that you say about yourself should be relevant to the position you are applying for. If you are applying for any creative profession, your video CV should display the desired effect to show your creativity and imaginative skills. Also, use of video CV will depend on the type of company you are applying in. Do not use such resumes in the more traditional type of company. It may harm your selection instead of making you stand out.

Provide more Information about you

Do not just read out your CV. When you are providing your details, ensure that you provide the insight of your career to the employer. Don’t explain them about what you have achieved in past, but make them realize that you are capable of achieving much more in future. Your video CV should provide them all necessary details to confirm your suitability and explain them why you are most appropriate candidate for the job. Talk about your work experiences and your skills. Skills section is the most important one in every CV. Explain your skills and tell the recruiter how they can help you in your prospective work.


Do not talk much about yourself and make it a lengthier one. Keep in mind that you are using a video resume to save the time required for reading each and every point in your CV. If you are providing little information about you, there will be no point in using such CVs. Hence, keep it short and provide the information that is related to the applied job.


When applying for the jobs related to the creative profession, you need to show your creative skills in your CV. Be professional along with being creative.
Video resumes sill definitely impress the employers when you are applying for the creative jobs. Follow all the necessary tips for preparing the best video CV and get attention from the employer.

Author's Bio: 

James Clark is an entrepreneur who provides resume and other career making guide through his websites.
It is essential that you make changes in your resume according to current trend. From the above article he has tried to give some useful information about video resume.