Bingo is one of the oldest forms of number based lottery game that is being played in different parts of the world for cash or prizes. Although there are different variations of the game, the one played in bingo halls is pretty popular. In this version of game, a number of bingo tickets are stapled together in the form of a book consisting of one to nine pages.

Each page is colored and has numbers from 1 to 90 imprinted on it. Color of the ticket helps in identifying the game that is being played. A bingo caller draws out numbers randomly after announcing the game that is being played or in other words the ticket that is to be used.

Every page is divided into six separate perforated tickets for allowing participant to buy almost any number of tickets from one to six at a time. Each of these tickets has 15 random numbers printed from 1 to 90 on it.

The objective of a player participating in this game is to become the first person to mark all the numbers called out in a single ticket. Once this is done, the player calls out “full house” or “bingo”. Depending on the game that is being played other objectives could be:

• Any one line- first person to mark off 5 numbers in a row also known as one line.

• Any two lines- first person to mark of 2 rows of 5 numbers on the same ticket.

The rules of the game are as simple and easy as the game itself. Even though it is very simple, first time players find it hard to keep pace with the bingo caller and in most cases end up missing numbers on their tickets. In order to maximise you chances of winning the game, players are advised to play with more number of tickets.

When you look at a sheet of six tickets you would understand the logical process of finding numbers located on the sheet. In column one, the only numbers are from 1 to 9, in column the numbers are from 10 to 19 and in column three the numbers are from 20 to 29 and so on.

There are two types of bingo that is played around the world. In North America 75 numbered bingo balls is played on a 5*5 card with the center square usually marked free. The desired pattern which players aim to achieve in 75 balls varies drastically from simple single line to complicated themed patterns. However the aim of the game still remains the same i.e. to mark off all the numbers and achieve the desired pattern.

Although playing the game is simple and fun, players need to understand the rules of the game in order to claim their winnings if you are fortunate enough to have your numbers called out before anyone else. If you intend playing for cash, make sure you read the rules of the bingo club beforehand and thus avoid any kinds of disputes.

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